The ITU Radiocommunication Bureau's SpaceRefdb will update the reference tables used by BR software like SpaceCap, SpaceCom, SpacePub, BRSIS-SpaceQry, BRSIS-Validation and others. These reference tables will be updated on a regular bases.
To update your BR Soft reference tables for v9.1 software, click on RefDbInstaller-v9.1.exe and save it to a temporary directory on you pc
To update your BR Soft reference tables for v10 software, click on RefDbInstaller-v10.exe and save it to a temporary directory on you pc.. After downloading the file, you should then run the file (by double-clicking on it from Windows Explorer, etc); this will decompress or "unzip" the installation file into a temporary directory on your hard disk, and then automatically execute the setup procedure. The setup will update your local BR Soft reference tables database accordingly.