ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

WRC-19 Documents and Proposals


Deadline for the submission of proposals -  7 Oct. 2019 (see Resolution 165 (Rev. Dubai, 2018))

WRC-19 Proposal Management System ​- This tool provides an easy-to-use web access to the proposals for the work of the Conference

Contributions (C) 

Temporary Documents (DT) ​

Information Documents (INFO) English only

Administrative Documents (ADM) English only

Series of texts submitted by the Editorial Committee to the Plenary Meeting
(First Reading - Blue)

Series of texts submitted by the Editorial Committee to the Plenary Meeting
(Second Reading - Pink)  

Minutes of the Plenary Meeting  

In accordance with BR Circular CA/245, all documents will be available electronically on the WRC-19 website, including the Provisional Final Acts of the Conference which will be made available in electronic format only.