ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

2015 Events in Europe Region

09/12/2015 -10/12/2015: ITU Expert Group Meeting on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Youth, Athens, Greece
30/11/2015: The launch of the 2015 edition of the Measuring the Information Society Report (MIS) with Regional Focus on Europe, Geneva, Switzerland
25/11/2015 - 26/11/2015: Regional Workshop for Europe "New issues in QoS measuring and monitoring", Bologna, Italy
19/10/2015: Conference "Cinema and Accessibility" at the Rome International Film Festival
12/10/2015 - 27/11/2015: Online training on Public Procurement of accessible ICT products and services
08/10/2015 – 09/10/2015: Role of ICT in Development of an Inclusive Society, Belgrade, Serbia
30/09/2015 – 02/10/2015: ITU ALERT International Cyber Drill Exercise 2015 for the Europe Region, Budva, Montenegro
28/09/2015 - 29/09/2015: Regional Conference on Regulatory Activity in Electronic Communications Sector, Budva, Montenegro
24/09/2015 ​- 25/09/2015: "Central European Cybersecurity public-private dialogue platform" Conference, Sibiu, Romania​
22/09/2015 – 23/09/2015: International Conference "Keeping Children and Young People Safe Online", Warsaw, Poland
30/09/2015: 1st Athens Digital Payments Summit, Athens, Greece
11/06/2015: Accessible TV in Converged ICT Ecosystem: Emerging trends, challenges, opportunities, Rome, Italy
7/05/2015 - 8/05/2015: Regional Coordination Mechanism and ECA Regional UNDG Team Meeting, Geneva, Switzerland
05/05/2015 - 07/05/2015: Regional Workshop on Spectrum Management and Transition to Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting for Europe and CIS, Budapest, Hungary
20/04/2015 - 22/04/2015: ITU Regional Development Forum for Europe on "Broadband for Sustainable Development", Bucharest, Romania
18/03/2015: Smart Accessibility on Connected TV workshop, Barcelona, Spain

********    Centres of Excellence Activities   ********

19/11/2015 - 20/11/2015: ITU Centres of Excellence face-to-face training on End-to-End QoS Network Design, Warsaw, Poland
17/11/2015 - 14/12/2015: ITU Centres of Excellence eLearning training on Mobile Broadband
05/11/2015 - 06/11/2015: ITU Centres of Excellence face-to face training on Strategic Aspects for Internet Governance and Innovatios, Warsaw, Poland
04/10/2015 - 07/10/2015: ITU Centres of Excellence face-to-face training on "Cyber Security Awareness for SMEs", Prague, Czech Republic
26/05/2015 - 22/06/2015: ITU Centres of Excellence eLearning course on "Next Generation Broadband Internet Access"
11/02/2015: 1st ITU Europe Centres of Excellence Steering Committee Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark