0830-0900: Registration
0900-1000: Opening ceremony
Opening remarks
Mr. Sameer Sharma, Regional Director a.i., ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
Welcome remarks
Dr N.R. Munirathnam, Director-General, Centre for Materials for Electronics Technology (C-MET)
Introductory remarks
Mr. B.N. Satpathy, Senior Consultant, Principal Scientific Advisor (PSA) to the Government of India
Special address
Mr. K. Ramchand, Advisor, Andhra Pradesh, Licensed Service Area, Department of Telecommunications, Government of India
Dr. Shailendra Kumar Joshi, Chief Secretary, Government of Telangana (tbc)
Mr. Arvind Kumar, Group Coordinator, of the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MEITY)
Keynote address
Prof. K Vijay Raghavan, Principal Scientific Adviser to Government of India
Mr. Ratan P. Watal, Member Secretary, Economic Advisory Council (EAC) to the Prime Minister
Vote of thanks
Mr. V. Raghunandan, Deputy Director General, International Relations, DOT, India
10:00-10:45: Session-1: Roles in Resource Efficiency and Circular Economy
Participating ministries and departments of the Government of India
1045-1115: Session-2 Essential E-waste Concepts and Terminology
Presentation on Indian e-waste opportunities and challenges, and key actors involved, referencing the Resource Efficiency & Circular Economy paper and the Sustainable Development Goals. Understanding of key concepts such as EPR, PROs, fractions, recycling, disposal, circular economy, resource efficiency, critical raw materials etc. Conceptual framework and terminology, stakeholders, opportunities and challenges.
- Dr. Deepali Sinha Khetriwal, United Nations University (UNU)[Presentation]
1115-1130: Group photo and refreshments
1130-1245: Session 3: International Experiences in Implementation of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)- based Legislation for E-waste
Good practice case-study presentations on legislation and system design (roles and responsibilities, financing and operations
- Mr Daniel Ternald, Associate Expert, International Environmental Technology Centre, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) [Bio][Presentation]
Dr Tan Quanyin, Basel Convention Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific, School of Environment, Tsinghua University [Bio][Presentation]
- Dr. Deepali Sinha Khetriwal, United Nations University (UNU) [Presentation]
- Mr. Anand Kumar Additional Director & Divisional Head, WM - III Division [
Questions and answers
1245-1400: Lunch
1400-1500: Session 4 Decent Work in E-waste Management, and Human Health and Safe Work
Safe work in e-waste management, covering ILO conventions, safety and e-waste and child labour
- Mr Kelvin
Sergeant, International Labour Organization (ILO) [Presentation]
Human health in e-waste management, covering toxicity and health and country case studies
- Mr Manjeet Saluja, World Health Organization (WHO) [Presentation]
Decent work in e-waste management, covering social protection conventions on the rights of workers
- Mr Kelvin Sergeant, International Labour Organization (ILO) [Presentation]
1500-1515: Coffee Break
1515-1645: Session- 5 Repair and Recycling Infrastructure
Presentations on existing infrastructure and public-private partnerships, preceding a discussion on the potential programmatic synergies for a repair and recycling infrastructure
Low Cost E-waste Recycling Technology
- Dr Sandip Chatterjee, Director, MeitY [Presentation]
Repair and recycling infrastructure and public-private partnerships.
- Mr Daniel Ternald, Associate Expert, UNEP [Presentation]
Technical Guidelines of the Central Pollution Control Board
- Anand Kumar Additional Director & Divisional Head, WM - III Division [Presentation]
1600-1645: Review workshop
1645-1800: Session-6: National and International E-waste Standards
e-Stewards, R2, WEEELABEX, RIOS and ITU-T standards.
- Mr Garam Bel, ITU [Presentation]
How a national standard is developed, including the process, checks and methods in order to approve and publish it.
- Rajeev Sharma, Scientist, Bureau of Indian Standards
[Presentation][Annex 1][Annex 2]
GreenCo Rating System
- Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) (tbc)
Interactive session on mapping potential e-waste standards in India, raising awareness in the government and among other stakeholders.