ITU's 160 anniversary

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Digital Public Goods Alliance Climate Change Adaption Call for Action and Report, January 2022


The Digital Public Goods Alliance (DPGA), International Telecommunication Union (ITU), and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) are issuing a call for weather, climate & hydrological information datasets to be made open and freely available as digital public goods. This was driven by the efforts of the DPGA's Climate Change Adaptation Community of Practice that focused on DPGs with the potential to impact climate and weather services.

Within the report, urgent attention is brought to why relevant datasets are needed as digital public goods, the setbacks caused by a lack of data, and tangible steps that can be taken to help improve access to data. The report recommends the following steps to improve access to data:
To showcase the positive outcomes of having open datasets, the report highlights digital public goods that provide open datasets or utilize open datasets to help climate change adaptation efforts relevant to weather and climate services.

As countries increasingly implement policies for climate change mitigation and adaptation, universal access to high-quality data will be crucial to help understand risks and enable action. The report brings needed attention to this often-overlooked cause in the hope that it will help open more datasets and aid in the discovery of existing open datasets.

Read the report here.