Digital technologies are powerful tools that can have transformative effects on the Sustainable Development Goals if developed and deployed with societal and environmental impact in mind. The Paris Agreement highlights the importance of technology for the implementation of mitigation and adaptation actions.
Digital technologies contribute to climate change mitigation by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and aid in climate adaptation by managing risks and impacts. Digital tools also support climate monitoring and forecasting.
Read more about the opportunities technologies can offer in the ITU publication 'Turning digital technology into climate action'.
The increasing demand for data centers, energy-intensive ICT equipment, and digital devices results in a growing carbon and waste footprint. By using technologies responsibly, we can harness the digital revolution to combat climate change and promote sustainability.
Additionally, digital technologies and data play a crucial role in accelerating progress towards the SDGs and global climate targets. The availability of open, high-quality datasets is essential for informed decision-making and the development of impactful digital solutions for climate adaptation.
more about ITU's work on climate change. In addition, the
Study Group Question 6/2 on ICTs and the Environment undertakes research on ICTs and climate change. Keep updated about our latest climate related
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