ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

TDAG-20 (2-5 June 2020)

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​TDAG-20 meeting

        ​​​2-5 June 2020​ 

​​In view of continued global concerns around the COVID-19 outbreak, and in order to assure​ business continuity in ITU's Development Sector while prioritizing the health and well-being of our TDAG delegates, in agreement with the Chairman and Vice-Chairmen of TDAG, ​TDAG was held as a fully virtual meeting from 2 to 5 June 2020.​
​The agenda for the TDAG meeting may be found, in all six ITU working languages, as document  TDAG-20/1 (Rev.1)

In preparation of the 25th meeting of the Telecommunication Development Advisory Group (TDAG), a number of Web Dialogues took place between March to May 2020, exclusively online.  

Third round of Web Dialogues, 12-21 May 2020

Web Dialogues on Results Based Management 

    • Creating a "Fit4Purpose" BDT: The Case for Change​, 12 May 2020
    • ​Creating a "Fit4Purpose" BDT: Scaling for Impact​, 14 May 2020

Web dialogue on Partnerships for Digital Transformation: Engaging Stakeholders for Meaningful Impact​, 21 May 2020

Second Web Dialogue on WTDC, 30 April 2020​

In order to maximise and further build on the discussions that took place during the first Web Dialogue on WTDC, on 24 March, a second Web Dialogue on the same topic took place on 30 April at 1300h CET.

The objective of the 2nd Web Dialogue was to further discuss and refine proposals for consideration of the TDAG-20 to ensure that the World Telecommunication Development Conference in 2021 will be a solutions-based conference that addresses the real challenges in the development of telecommunications/ICTs.

Registered participants

Ba​ckground document​




First round of Web Dialogues – 24-26 March 2020​

Overall programme​​

TDAG Web Dialogue on WTDC

This first Web Dialogue provided the opportunity to delve into four main topics revolving around WTDC that are outlined in document TDAG-20/DT/2, and each topic was moderated by a representative of membership.

  1. Preparatory process;
  2. Content and structure;
  3. Stakeholder engagement;
  4. Side events.

Background document



TDAG Web Dialogue on the new ITU index

On 10 February 2020 an Expert Group meeting was organized by ITU to discuss a proposal for the development of a new ITU composite index, which would succeed the ICT Development Index (IDI) published by ITU annually from 2009-2017. The new index will be based on the SDG framework and aims to provide a monitoring tool for governments to assess how digital transformations may impact their ability to achieve the SDGs. This Web Dialogue presented progress in the development of the new index and provided an opportunity for Member States to raise questions and receive clarifications.

Background document



TDAG Web Dialogue on the Regional Presence

Council-19 instructed the Secretary-General to recruit an independent external management consultancy to perform a comprehensive programmatic, strategic and financial assessment and review of ITU's regional presence. During this Web Dialogue PwC provided an overview of the work done up until now and summarized some key findings. PwC, for instance, introduced their six guiding principles for the evaluation of the regional presence and showed how the application of these principles unlocked benefits in terms of increased relevance, focus and capacity. The consultant further provided an overview of its assessment of the role of the regional presence in the implementation of ITU-D programs and activities, and possible measures to enhance the performance and impact of field offices. Members were encouraged to provide comments and suggestions to PwC during this interactive Web Dialogue. It is recalled that PwC's final report will be submitted to the June 2020 session of Council.

Background document


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​About Covid-19​​​


​To contact the TDAG secretariat, please use this e-mail​.

TDAG Bureau