ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Remote Participation Services


ITU provides three main types of e-participation in order to facilitate access to its various meetings. This page refers to interactive remote participation, but you can find information on the other two e-participation types, Webcast and Web-meeting, below.​​​​​​​​

Interactive Remote Participation

Since 2010, managed web meetings are used for hybrid sessions including both on-site attendees and remote participants. It provides the opportunity to present contributions and participate in the discussions, enhancing interactivity for those remotely attending. These hybrid meetings often include interpretation and remote delegates are able to take advatage of on-site interpretation, communicate with other remote participants via chat, ask for the floor and access documents made available for each meeting.


Webcast was made available from 1998 and today all major ITU meetings are transmitted via webcast. It is a passive service that does not offer interaction. Follow live or archived webcast sessions.

Self-service Web Meeting

This ad-hoc service is an interactive model for electronic participation and is used mainly by the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau study groups. In 2010 alone ITU-T held 346 e-meetings with over 2,500 attendees.