Newcomers - Getting started
TIES access rights: You will need to have an ITU user account and request TIES access rights on it to be able to access certain meeting documents and other network resources essential to your work. You may do so by logging in to your ITU user account.
Learn more at
ITU-D website: The ITU-D website is a portal for all of our publications, information and resources.
Least developed countries: Subject to the availability of financial resources, a limited number of fellowships may be granted to delegates from least developed countries (LDCs) and developing countries with a gross domestic product (GDP) per capita of less than USD 2000, with priority to LDCs. To receive a fellowship form, participants must first register online for the meeting concerned and tick the appropriate box in the registration form. The signed and approved fellowship form must be submitted no later than the deadline set for each meeting. Further information is available on meeting websites. You may also contact
Visiting ITU
Directions to ITU headquarters can be found at: ITU's headquarters comprise three interlinked buildings, Montbrillant, the Tower and Varembé.
Access to the buildings requires a delegate badge, which can be collected from the registration desk in the ITU Montbrillant building.
Meeting room allocation: Meeting room allocations are shown on screens throughout the ITU buildings and can also be accessed at:
Wi-Fi: Connect to the ITU wireless network for delegates “ITUwifi" using the code indicated on your delegate badge.
For more information, please click a link below:
1. What is ITU?
2. Telecommunication Development Sector
3. World Telecommunication Development Conference
4. Telecommunication Development Advisory Group
5. Telecommunication Development Study Groups