Work item | Question | Equiv. Num. | Status | Timing | Approval process | Version | Liaison relationship | Subject / Title | Priority |
Q.MUD_IOT | Q12/11 | | Under study | 2026-Q1 | AAP | New | SG20, SG17, SG20, SG17, IETF | Framework for testing and monitoring IoT devices & networks using technical Requirements from Manufacturer Usage Description (MUD) | Medium |
Q.CED | Q13/11 | | Under study | Q1-2026 | AAP | New | ITU-T SG13 | Monitoring parameters for cloud-edge-device collaboration system | Medium |
Q.CPNP | Q13/11 | | Under study | 2025-Q1 | AAP | New | ITU-T SG2, ITU-T SG13 | Set of parameters for monitoring computing power network | Medium |
Q.MFDC | Q13/11 | | Under study | 2026-Q3 | AAP | New | ITU-T SG13, IETF TEEP/RATS | Requirements and reference model for monitoring of federated data cooperation service in multi-access edge computing in Future Network | Medium |
Q.MMAI | Q13/11 | | Under study | Q4-2025 | AAP | New | ITU-T SG13, ISO/IEC SC42, IEEE | Methods and metrics for monitoring ML/AI in future networks including IMT-2020 | Medium |
Q.MMPS | Q13/11 | | Under study | 2025-Q4 | AAP | New | SG13 | Requirements and Reference Model of minimum monitoring parameter set generation of Multi-modality communication services in Digital Twin Network | Medium |
Q.MP_SDWAN | Q13/11 | | Under study | 05-2026 | AAP | New | None | Monitoring Parameters for the Signalling Protocols of SD-WAN service | Medium |
Q.MPCO | Q13/11 | | Under study | 05-2026 | AAP | New | - | Monitoring Parameters for Protocols and Resource of SDN and NFV based Central Office service | Medium |
Q.MPSG | Q13/11 | | Under study | Q2-2026 | TAP | New | Study Group 13, Study Group 20, ICAO | Monitoring parameters for IMT-2020 networks and beyond supporting smart grid | Medium |
Q.RI_PISRM | Q13/11 | | Under study | 2025-Q3 | AAP | New | IETF, ITU-T SG2 | Requirements and reference model of resource integration and protocol independent method for source routing measurements | Medium |
TR.MPLRA | Q13/11 | | Under study | Q1-2025 | Agreement | New | IETF, ITU-T SG2, ITU-T SG12 | Requirements and architecture for monitoring packet loss caused by network congestion | Medium |
TR.MPM-SRv6 | Q13/11 | | Under study | 2025-02 | Agreement | New | ITU-T-SG15, IETF | Method for Performance Monitoring of SRv6 Network | Medium |
Q.BaaS-iopt-ts | Q14/11 | | Under study | Q3-2026 | AAP | New | ITU-T SG13 | Test suite for interoperability testing of blockchain as a service | Medium |
Q.CPN-BNG-iopt | Q14/11 | | Under study | 2026-Q3 | AAP | New | ITU-T SG13 | Interoperability testing of the border network gateway in computing power network (CPN) | Medium |
Q.CSP-IOPT | Q14/11 | | Under study | 2026-Q2 | AAP | New | ITU-T SG13 | Cloud computing infrastructure capabilities interoperability testing - part 2: Interoperability testing between the CSPs | Medium |
Q.FSDNT | Q14/11 | | Under study | 03-2025 | AAP | New | - | Test framework for SDN multi-controller inter-networking using communication segment | Medium |
Q.ITDaaS | Q14/11 | | Under study | Q4-2025 | AAP | New | SG13 | Interoperability testing between CSP and CSC for DaaS (Desktop as a Service) | Medium |
Q.NGNe-O-iopt | Q14/11 | | Under study | Q4-2025 | AAP | New | SG13 | Interoperability testing of orchestration in next generation network evolution (NGNe) | Medium |
Q.vbng-pup-iopt | Q14/11 | | Under study | Q4-2025 | AAP | New | IETF, BBF | Interoperability testing suite for cloud-based control plane and pooled user plane of virtualized broadband network gateway | Medium |
Q.5055 (ex Q.CEIR) | Q15/11 | | Determined 2024-05-10 | 2025-Q3 | TAP | New | ITU-T SG17 | Technical requirement, interfaces and generic functions of CEIR | High |