A2.6.2.3 Approval
A2. When a draft new or revised Recommendation has been adopted by a SG, by the procedures given in § A2.6.2.2, then the text shall be submitted for approval by Member States.
A2. Approval of new or revised Recommendations may be sought:
a) by consultation of the Member States as soon as the text has been adopted by the relevant Study Group at its meeting or by correspondence;
b) if justified, at an RA.
A2. At the SG meeting where a draft new or revised Recommendation is adopted or where it is decided to seek adoption by SG by correspondence, the SG shall decide to submit the draft new or revised Recommendation for approval either at the next RA or by consultation of the Member States, unless the SG has decided to use the procedure for simultaneous adoption and approval (PSAA) procedure as described in § A2.6.2.4.
A2. When it is decided to submit a draft new or revised Recommendation for approval, with detailed justification, to the RA, the SG Chairman shall inform the Director and request that he takes the necessary action to ensure that it is included in the agenda for the Assembly.
A2. When it is decided to submit a draft new or revised Recommendation for approval by consultation, the following conditions and procedures apply:
A2. For the application of the approval procedure by consultation, within one month of an SG’s adoption of a draft new or revised Recommendation, according to one of the methods in § A2.6.2.2, the Director shall request Member States to indicate within two months whether they approve or do not approve the proposal. This request shall be accompanied by the complete final text of the draft new Recommendation, or the complete final text, or modified parts of, the revised Recommendation.
A2. The Director shall also inform Sector Members participating in the work of the relevant SG under the provisions of Article 19 of the Convention that Member States are being asked to respond to a consultation on a proposed new or revised Recommendation. This information should be accompanied by the complete final texts, or revised parts of the texts, for information only.
A2. If 70 per cent or more of the replies from Member States indicate approval, the proposal shall be accepted. If the proposal is not accepted, it shall be referred back to the SG.
Any comments received along with responses to the consultation shall be collected by the Director and submitted to the SG for consideration.
A2. Those Member States who indicate that they do not approve the draft new or revised Recommendation shall provide their reasons and should be invited to participate in the future consideration by the SG and its WPs and TGs.
A2. Should minor, purely editorial amendments or correction of evident oversights or inconsistencies in the text as presented for approval be necessary, the Director may correct these with the agreement of the Chairman of the relevant SG(s).
A2.6.2.4 Simultaneous adoption and approval by correspondence
A2. When an SG is not in a position to adopt the draft new or revised Recommendation according to the provisions of §§ A2. and A2., the SG shall use the procedure for simultaneous adoption and approval (PSAA) by correspondence, if there is no objection by any Member State attending the meeting.
A2. Immediately following the SG, the Director should circulate these draft new or revised Recommendations to all Member States and to Sector Members.
A2. The period for consideration shall be two months following the circulation of the draft new or revised Recommendations.
A2. If, within this period for consideration, no objection is received from a Member State, the draft new or revised Recommendation shall be considered to be adopted by the SG. Since the PSAA procedure has been followed, such adoption is considered to constitute approval and the procedure for approval in § A2.6.2.3 is unnecessary.
A2. If, within this period for consideration, an objection is received from a Member State and cannot be resolved, the draft new or revised Recommendation shall be considered as not adopted, and the procedure described in § A2. shall apply. A Member State objecting to the adoption shall inform the Director and the Chairman of the SG of the reasons for the objection, and, when the objection cannot be resolved, the Director shall make the reasons available to the next meeting of the SG and its relevant WP.