To encourage participation of developing countries and subject to availability of funds, one full, or two partial fellowships may be granted per eligible Member State. A partial fellowship will cover either a) the air ticket (one return economy class ticket by the most direct/economical route from the country of origin to the meeting venue), or b) an appropriate daily subsistence allowance (intended to cover accommodation, meals and incidental expenses). In case of two partial fellowships, at least one should be the air ticket. The applicant’s organization shall cover the remainder of the cost of the participation. Full fellowship will cover both the air ticket and an appropriate daily subsistence allowance.
The duly validated fellowship request form and its annexes must be returned to the fellowship service by e-mail to fellowships[at]itu.int or by fax: + 41 22 730 57 78, by 2 September 2024 at the latest. Registration for the meeting prior to submitting the fellowship request is mandatory.
Please note that the decision criteria to grant a fellowship include: available ITU budget; active participation; equitable distribution among countries and regions; and gender balance. Please also note that, to ensure good governance in the use of fellowships, any one individual may not be awarded in a financial year more than one full fellowship, or two partial fellowships. Member States are encouraged to select their candidates taking into consideration the gender balance and the inclusion of applicants with disabilities and with specific needs.