ITU's 160 anniversary

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Trends in Telecommunication Reform Series

Trends in Telecommunication Reform 2016: Regulatory Incentives to Achieve Digital Opportunities
2016   Publication Notice with Order Form

The annual Trends in Telecommunication Reform publications are a key part of the dialogue with the world's information and communications technology (ICT) policy-makers and regulators in an increasingly converged digital environment. Under the overarching theme "Regulatory incentives to achieve digital opportunities", the 16th edition of Trends explores topical issues regulators need to address to ensure that citizens can benefit from the social and economic opportunities brought about by the digital economy. For digital opportunities to fully materialize, an adaptive, consultative and innovative approach to ICT policy and regulation is more than ever necessary. The thematic chapters, drawing up from discussion papers presented at the 2015 ITU Global Symposium for Regulators, examine investment strategies to foster the deployment of broadband and access to the digital economy, network sharing and co-investment regulation, regulation and the Internet of Things (IoT), interoperability in the digital ecosystem and smart regulation to facilitate m-services and applications uptake and diffusion.

As of end-2020, all soft copy versions of this title are now freely available for download, with hard-copies 50% off. Additionally, for a Flipbook view of the complete publication, you are welcome to click here.

No version 2017 is expected. Please see instead a new related ITU Publication (and potentially a new series) entitled Global ICT Outlook 2017.
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Trends in Telecommunication Reform 2015: Getting ready for the digital economy
2015   Publication Notice with Order Form

Under the overarching theme "Getting ready for the digital economy", the 15th edition of Trends in Telecommunication Reform discusses changing ICT consumer behaviour, consumer empowerment and protection in the digital age. It further explores the opportunities and challenges of big data and what it means from a regulatory perspective; why competition matters. It also attempts to answer whether it is time to rethink spectrum licensing, how to monitor the implementation of broadband plans and what are the new business models driven by digital communications and services. As in previous editions, the publication will feature an in-depth analysis of current market and regulatory trends based on ITU data from one of the world's most comprehensive data platforms, the ICT Eye. See Table of Contents and preview (English only) at:
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Trends in Telecommunication Reform Special Edition - Fourth-generation regulation: Driving digital communications ahead

The annual Trends in Telecommunication Reform publications are a key part of the dialogue with the world's information and communications technology (ICT) policy-makers and regulators fostering economic and market growth while ensuring that all citizens safely benefit from the digital opportunities brought by the digital economy. This edition is exceptionally free of charge.
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Trends in Telecommunication Reform 2013: Transnational aspects of regulation in a networked society

The annual Trends in Telecommunication Reform publications are a key part of the dialogue with the world's information and communications technology (ICT) policy-makers and regulators to ensure that all citizens can safely benefit from innovations taking place in the market leading to new applications, services and businesses opportunities brought by a converged digital environment. The 13th edition will examine transnational aspects of regulation in a networked society and provide a sound understanding of the digital ecosystem in place and the role of regulation. To fully participate in today's networked society and be part of tomorrow's hyper-connected digital world, policy-makers and regulators need to adopt and implement appropriate policies and means to further safe digital opportunities and inclusion of all. Implementing their digital strategies requires them to cooperate on national, regional and global scales to understand the changes taking place in the market, and adopt innovative regulatory measures and tools.
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Trends in Telecommunication Reform 2012: Smart Regulation for a Broadband World

The annual Trends in Telecommunication Reform publications are a key part of the dialogue with the world's information and communications technology (ICT) policy-makers and regulators to ensure that all citizens can benefit from new applications, services and businesses opportunities brought by a broadband world.
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Trends in Telecommunication Reform 2010-2011: Enabling Tomorrow's Digital World

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The annual "Trends in Telecommunication Reform" publications are key part of ITU's effort to explore and amplify the wisdom of policy-makers and regulators in the ICT sector. The 11th edition will examine the challenges for regulators to stimulate nationwide broadband deployments through adaptive and targeted regulations and out-of-the-box tools, leading to a new ladder of regulation. With this regard, it is very important for regulators to understand the impact of broadband on and beyond the ICT sector as well as the driving forces of today's and tomorrow's ICT markets, notably the migration from analogue to digital terrestrial broadcasting and the allocation of the digital dividend. For markets to truly thrive, regulators need to prove successful in keeping up with the pace of convergence and integration of ubiquitous networks, in particular through adapting their institutional structure and mandate, adopting cutting-edge best practices and embracing new tools such as innovative dispute resolution techniques. The individual chapters will focus on salient issues such as the changing role of regulators in a digital world and their involvement in non-traditional areas of regulatory intervention, such as ICT climate change and cyberthreats. Last but not least, the Information Society is changing every aspect of our lives, whether in developing or developed countries and it is crucial to leverage the benefits it brings while mitigating the associated threats. What does it all mean for ICT users, but also for regulators and policy makers?
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Trends in Telecommunication Reform 2009: Hands-on or hands-off? Stimulating growth through effective ICT regulation

The annual Trends in Telecommunication Reform publications are a key part of ITU's effort to explore and amplify the wisdom of policy-makers and regulators in the ICT sector. The 10th edition will look at the delicate balance that regulators need to strike in order to operate between the hands-on and the hands-off approach to regulation. This balance is required to meet the expectations of key ICT stakeholders and is critical to stimulating growth in a converged environment. The blurring of boundaries between the once separate telecoms, Internet, broadcasting and media worlds is bringing new players to the arena, driving new opportunities and challenges. At the same time, regulatory authorities more than ever have a key role to play in fostering a safe and healthy ICT sector while meeting social goals, especially in a time of economic and financial uncertainty.
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Trends in Telecommunication Reform 2008: Six Degrees of Sharing

Many developing countries are preparing for a second wave of regulatory reform designed to enable them to harness the promise of new technologies and participate fully in the information society. This report examines a range of innovative sharing strategies regulators can use to speed up the uptake of ICTs and promote widespread, affordable broadband access. This year's Trends focuses on "Six Degrees of Sharing", examining active and passive infrastructure sharing, open access to international capacity, business sharing, end-user sharing and regulatory sharing.
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Trends in Telecommunication Reform 2007: The Road to Next-Generation Networks (NGN)

The 8th edition of Trends in Telecommunication Reform will examine the regulatory challenges and opportunities of Next-Generation Networks (NGN). This report is designed to provide regulators and policy makers with an understanding of the emerging NGN world, with a special focus on developing countries. It will examine NGN technologies and their regulatory implications, fixed mobile convergence (FMC), universal access, interconnection-both domestic and international, consumer protection and an NGN enabling environment.
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Trends in Telecommunication Reform 2006: Regulating in the broadband world

The 7th edition of Trends in Telecommunication Reform examines the regulatory challenges and opportunities of enabling ICT development. The report provides regulators with tools they can use to promote effective and innovative development and use of ICTs in a competitive environment. This report provides an overview of developments in the ICT sector, specifically focusing on broadband, its advent, the technologies, the role of the regulator in broadband development, broadband spectrum management, voice over IP (VoIP) regulation, international efforts to combat spam (including a model law and enforceable code of conduct), and identifies best practices. The report is structured into eight chapters.
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Trends in Telecommunication Reform 2004: Licensing in an Era of Convergence

The sixth edition of Trends in Telecommunication Reform examines the various licensing options in the ICT sector to provide regulators with tools they can use to promote effective competition in a converging environment. The report provides an overview of licensing practices around the world and the rationale for licensing; identifies new trends such as unified licences; provides options; raises transition issues to be considered in moving from one regime to another; evaluates traditional licensing models; addresses scarce resources such as spectrum; and identifies best practices. The report is structured into eight chapters.
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Trends in Telecommunication Reform 2003: Promoting Universal Access to ICTs - Practical tools for regulators

The fifth edition of Trends in Telecommunication Reform explores the tools regulators can use to promote universal access/service. The report provides an overview of universal access/service, the role of sector reform, creation and operation of a universal service fund, the role of minimum subsidy auction, how consumer tariffs and interconnection rates affect the viability of rural universal access/service projects, public access strategies including telecentres, and how regulators can foster entrepreneurial solutions to rural access. The report is structured into eight chapters.
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Trends in Telecommunication Reform 2002: Effective Regulation

The fourth edition of Trends in Telecommunication Reform is dedicated to the theme of effective and independent regulation. Since the beginning of the 1990s, the number of regulatory institutions has increased from 13 to more than 110, with many of them having been created in the past five years. But merely creating a regulatory body without empowering it to be effective is not enough. The report looks at the need for regulators; the process of creating a regulator; definitions of independence; why effectiveness may be more important than independence; powers and functions of the regulator; transparency in the decision-making process; organizational structure and finance issues. It is structured into nine chapters.
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Trends in Telecommunication Reform 2000-2001: Interconnection Regulation

The third edition of Trends in Telecommunication Reform includes one chapter reviewing global trends in market reform, and seven chapters exploring the key regulatory issue of interconnection. The seven interconnection chapters cover the importance of interconnection, regulatory and technical issues, economic issues in interconnection, network unbundling, interconnection with mobile networks, Internet interconnection and international interconnection.
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Trends in Telecommunication Reform: Country Profiles

This CD-ROM provides key regulatory information for each ITU Member State (up to 2000). The information is accessible by country and by region. This interactive tool contains information on the institutional framework, regulatory and policy-making bodies and regulatory issues such as ownership, liberalization, licensing, universal service, and interconnection.
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Trends in Telecommunication Reform "Convergence and Regulation"

The second edition of Trends in Telecommunication Reform focuses on the regulation of multimedia services. The report examines eight themes: Institutional Framework, Ownership, Liberalization, Licensing, Universal access, Interconnection, Price regulation and Numbering. Each chapter addresses overall reforms on that subject and looks, in particular, at Internet and other convergence-related issues. English: Out of print (pdf available).
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Collection of General Trends in Telecommunication Reform
1998 - All volumes  

These volumes, which are published separately, are organized by region and contain key regulatory information for each ITU Member State in Africa (Vol. II), the Americas (Vol. III), the Arab States (Vol. IV), Asia-Pacific (Vol. V), and Europe (Vol. VI). The information is structured as follows: contact information for regulatory and policy-making bodies, legal instruments, regulatory issues, ownership of the incumbent operator, the degree of liberalization in various market segments, and future regulatory plans. Special discount of 20% for the entire package: Volumes I-VI or Volumes II-VI (paper format only). Article: E: 13064 Vol. I - VI Price: 372 CHF Article: E: 13067 Vol. II - VI Price: 297 CHF
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Other editions:   Volume VI   Volume V   Volume IV   Volume III   Volume II   Volume I