ITU released a major report on regulation in the
information and communication technology (ICT) sector !
The annual "Trends in Telecommunication Reform" publications
are key part of ITU�s effort to explore and amplify the wisdom of policy-makers
and regulators in the ICT sector.
The 11th edition will examine the challenges for regulators to
stimulate nationwide broadband deployments through adaptive and targeted
regulations and out-of-the-box tools, leading to a new ladder of regulation.
With this regard, it is very important for regulators to understand the impact
of broadband on and beyond the ICT sector as well as the driving forces of
today’s and tomorrow’s ICT markets, notably the migration from analogue to
digital terrestrial broadcasting and the allocation of the digital dividend. For
markets to truly thrive, regulators need to prove successful in keeping up with
the pace of convergence and integration of ubiquitous networks, in particular
through adapting their institutional structure and mandate, adopting
cutting-edge best practices and embracing new tools such as innovative dispute
resolution techniques. The individual chapters will focus on salient issues such
as the changing role of regulators in a digital world and their involvement in
non-traditional areas of regulatory intervention, such as ICT climate change and
cyberthreats. Last but not least, the Information Society is changing every
aspect of our lives, whether in developing or developed countries and it is
crucial to leverage the benefits it brings while mitigating the associated
threats. What does it all mean for ICT users, but also for regulators and policy
reports in this series |
Contents of the report
Chapter 1: Overview of trends in the ICT
market and in ICT regulation
Chapter 2: The Impact of Broadband on the Economy: Research to
Date and Policy Issues
Chapter 3: ICT Regulation in the Digital
Economy (free of charge)
Chapter 4: The Liberalization of ICT
Dispute Resolution
Chapter 5: Spectrum in Transition: The
Digital Dividend
Chapter 6: The Role of ICT Regulation in
Addressing Offences in Cyberspace
Chapter 7:
Climate Change, ICTs and Regulation
Chapter 8: Postcards from the Information
Society: Living with Always-On Technology – the Good, the Bad, and the Just
Plain Baffling
Enabling Tomorrow’s Digital World |
ICT Regulation Toolkit |
ICT Regulation Toolkit is a web-based tool, organized as a series of
online modules to provide regulators, telecom service providers, policy makers, sector experts and the general public with
the latest developments on regulatory topics, best practices, and case studies. |