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Elections results for the posts of the three Directors of the Bureaux

At the Plenary session of the afternoon of 13 November 2006 the Plenipotentiary Conference started the elections for the posts:

In accordance with the Rules of Procedures applicable to the elections, the majority consists of more than half the delegations present and voting. Invalid and blank ballots are not computed in the majority.

Press release

Post of Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau

Monday, 13 November, 16.15 hours (Antalya time)

160 ballots were cast. There were two abstentions and no invalid ballots. The required majority was therefore 80.

Candidate for the post of Director of RB Votes
Mr Valery TIMOFEEV Elected!
Russian Federation

 Mr Valery Timofeev, Russian Federation

Statement *

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Post of Director of the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau

Third and final round: Tuesday, 14 November, 16.30 hours (Antalya time)

162 ballots were cast. There were no abstentions and no invalid ballots. The required majority was therefore 82.

Candidates for the post of Director of TSB in the third and final round Votes
Mr Malcolm JOHNSON  Elected!
United Kigdom
Mr Malcolm Johnson, United Kingdom

Statement *
Mr Yuji INOUE, Japan Biography 79


Second round: Tuesday, 14 November, 9.30 hours (Antalya time)

159 ballots were cast. There were no abstentions and no invalid ballots. The required majority was therefore 80.

Candidates for the post of Director of TSB in the second round Votes
Mr Yuji INOUE, Japan Biography 64
Mr Malcolm JOHNSON, United Kigdom Biography 60
Mr Kishik PARK, Republic of Korea Biography 35

After the second round, Mr Kishik Park, from the Republic of Korea, withdrew his candidature.


First round: Monday, 13 November, 16.15 hours (Antalya time)

160 ballots were cast. There were no abstentions and one invalid ballot. The required majority was therefore 80.

Candidates for the post of Director of TSB in the first round Votes
Mr Yuji INOUE, Japan Biography 59
Mr Malcolm JOHNSON, United Kigdom Biography 46
Mr Kishik PARK, Republic of Korea Biography 39
Mr Fabio BIGI, Italy Biography 15

After the first round, Mr Fabio Bigi, from Italy, withdrew his candidature.

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Post of Director of the Telecommunication Development Bureau

Third and final round: Tuesday, 14 November, 16.30 hours (Antalya time)

162 ballots were cast. There were no abstentions and one invalid ballot. The required majority was therefore 82.

Candidates for the post of Director of BDT in the third and final round Votes
Mr Sami AL-BASHEER Elected!
Saudi Arabia
Mr Sami Al-Basheer, Saudi Arabia

Statement *
Mr Patrick Francis MASAMBU, Uganda Biography 70


Second round: Tuesday, 14 November, 9.30 hours (Antalya time)

159 ballots were cast. There were no abstentions and one invalid ballot. The required majority was therefore 80.

Candidates for the post of Director of BDT in the second round Votes
Mr Sami AL-BASHEER (Saudi Arabia) Biography 63
Mr Patrick Francis MASAMBU (Uganda) Biography 58
Ms Najat ROCHDI (Morocco) Biography   37

After the second round, Ms Najat Rochdi, from Morocco, withdrew her candidature.

First round: Monday, 13 November, 16.15 hours (Antalya time)

160 ballots were cast. There were no abstentions and no invalid ballots. The required majority was therefore 81.

Candidates for the post of Director of BDT in the first round Votes
Mr Patrick Francis MASAMBU, Uganda Biography 49
Mr Sami AL-BASHEER, Saudi Arabia Biography 47
Ms Najat ROCHDI, Morocco Biography 39
Mr Abdelkrim Karim BOUSSAID, Algeria Biography 25

After the first round, Mr Abdelkrim Karim Boussaid, from Algeria, withdrew his candidature.

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* Logo Real Player Real Player is required to watch the videos. Download it here





 Director of BR elect

Russian Federation

Mr Valery Timofeev, Russian Federation

Statement *
Press release

 Director of TSB elect

Mr Malcolm JOHNSON
United Kingdom

Mr Malcolm Johnson, United Kingdom

Statement *
Press release

 Director of BDT elect

Mr Sami Al-Basheer
Saudi Arabia

Mr Sami Al-Basheer, Saudi Arabia

Statement *
Press release




























































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