Mr Fabio BIGI , involved in international telecommunication activities for more than thirty years, has a proven record of expertise at senior policy levels, with increasing responsibilities and wide experience gained over the years.
Born in Rome in June 1941, Mr Bigi obtained a Doctorate degree in Electronic Engineering at the University of Rome in 1967 and passed the State examination in the same year. During his studies in the university, he was Chairman of the student's branch of IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) of Rome University.
After university, he joined the Fondazione Ugo Bordoni in Rome as a researcher in the Transmission Division. During this period, he made the certification of new equipments and radio relay systems for the Italian Ministry of Post and Telecommunication.
In November 1968, he was appointed as Engineer in ITU at the Plan and Technical Cooperation Division of CCITT (International Telephone and Telegraph Consultative Committee) attending and organizing the Latin America Plan (Asunci�n) and the Asia and Oceania Plan (Tehran). As from January 1970, he was appointed as Engineer in the Transmission Division of CCITT for the newly created Special Study Group D (Digital transmission) and for Study Group XV (Transmission systems).
As from January 1982, he was appointed as Counsellor responsible for Study Groups XV (Transmission systems), XVIII (Digital networks, including ISDN) and Special Autonomous Group 9 (Economic and technical aspects of the transition from analogue to digital transmission networks). He was also charged with the coordination of GAS studies and participated in the case studies of network digitization in Senegal and Thailand.
Mr Bigi represented the Standardization Sector at several ITU-R study group meetings, at the Radiocommunication Advisory Group, Radiocommunication Assemblies and WRCs. He served as Secretary of the joint meeting of RAG, TSAG and TDAB. He acted as Secretary for the JWP on refinement between the ITU-T and ITU-R Sectors established in response to Resolution 16of PP-94 in Kyoto. He was responsible for the Intersector Coordination Group on Satellite Matters. He was a lecturer at seminars and workshops organized by the Development Sector and attended many ITU-D study group meetings.
As from July 1995 he was appointed as Head of Studies, Strategies and Cooperation Department (SSCD) within the TSB and Deputy Director from June 1998 until 1 July 2001. In addition to these functions, he was also responsible for the Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group (TSAG), Study Groups 13 (Multi-protocol and IP-based networks and their internetworking) and 16 (Multimedia services, systems and terminals). He has organized several workshops and seminars for the Sector.
He represented the Sector at several ITU Council sessions and at the Plenipotentiary Conference (Minneapolis, 1998).
Mr Bigi was member of the SLMC (Senior Level Management Committee) in the period 1994-1998 and was a member of the PSC (Policy and Strategy Committee) . He was also member of the Joint Advisory Committee, of the Appeal Board, of the Appointments and Promotion Board, and of the ITU Staff Pension Committee and several other ad hoc committees within and outside ITU. He served as Secretary of different committees at various plenary assemblies and Secretary of WTSC 96 in Geneva and WTSA-2000 in Montreal.
Mr Bigi organized and supported the ITU-T study group chairmen meetings and their meetings with IETF area directors. He maintained contacts at senior management level with the membership of the Sector and with other SDOs, fora and consortia, and international and regional organizations dealing with telecommunication. Following the requirements of membership, he implemented the new working methods (e.g. Alternative Approval Procedures) and structure for the Sector. He gave the directives for the preparation of the draft budget and established the principles for the linkage with the strategic, operational and financial planning for the Sector.
Author of several articles in the ITU Telecommunication Journal and other specialized reviews and publications, he was the Coordinator of the special issues on optical fibres for telecommunication and on signal processing. He was invited as speaker at several seminars/conferences and workshops organized outside ITU with the aim of divulgating ITU activities and studies.
With the aim of refocusing studies towards the IP-based networks and their interworking with the telecommunication networks, he initiated related activities by contributing to the preparation and development of various projects (e.g. GII, IP, MEDIACOM-2004) undertaken by ITU-T. In this framework, he was one of the eight members of the Protocol Council for ICANN (the Internet Cooperation for Assigned Names and Numbers) - PSO (Protocol Support Organization) since its foundation. At present in TSAG he is the coordinator for technology watch functions.
He was a member of the ITU Staff Council from 1970, Vice-Chairman from 1973 and Chairman from 1977-1980. He was appointed as member of the Executive Committee of FICSA (the Federation of International Civil Servants' Association) and represented this organization at the UNGeneral Assembly during this period.
Since 2001 Mr Bigi has represented the Italian administration to meetings of ITU Council and its Groups,WTDC-02 ,PP-02,WRC-03.WTSA-04,WSIS and its PREPCOMs. In particular at the WTSA-04 he was the chairman of Committee 3(Working methods of ITU-T) and was therefore part of the steering committee.
Mr Bigi has also represented the Italian administration to several CEPT meetings, RAG, TDAG, TSAG and to ITU Study Groups meetings and other events organized by ITU.
Mr Bigi is a member of FITCE (Federation of Telecommunications Engineers of the European Community). Italian being his mother tongue, he is fluent in English, French and Spanish and has some knowledge of German and Dutch.
He is married to Irmgard Sch�ttelaar (Deventer, the Netherlands) and has four children.