Youth in ICTs

The role of information and communications technology as a means of implementation of the sustainable development goals and targets enhance the creation of the world where we want to be. New generations have the major responsibility to choose the professional path that will enable the tools and the knowledge to achieve the goals proposed by the UN Agenda. The WSIS Action lines provide a clear guidance to empower youth in ICTs field to reach the common targets.

OBJECTIVE: The World Summit on the Information Society Forum provides a multi-stakeholder platform where the youth voice is invited to contribute to the WSIS Process sharing its ideas, projects and innovative solutions to the current challenges that different communities around the world are facing in ICTs. Youth engagement has an important role in actual and future development that can be empowered by the WSIS outcomes. Therefore, this space has been planned and designed to facilitate youth participation in the WSIS Process.


Develop your ideas into tech solutions to ensure food security and end hunger!
75% of the world's poor live in rural areas and 2.5 billion people derive their livelihoods from agriculture. However, low agricultural productivity, poor transportation systems and limited policies affect their production and agriculture trade. Today, more than 800 million people worldwide are undernourished, while more than a billion tons of food never make it to the table. This is exactly where solutions are crucially needed to develop new sustainable agricultural practices, support small-scale and family farmers and allow them equal access to land, technology and markets.
For more information, see Hackathon.
In the WSIS Forum 2018 the use of ICTs for Vlogging purposes will take over an interactive session where Youth all over the world will discuss the importance and the impact of video to report and show the progress, the challenges and the opportunities for development in the coverage on the main WSIS action lines matching the sustainable development goals of the UN agenda. The vloggers will interact amongst them and all the participants on a HOW TO VLOG FOR DEVELOPMENT workshop where all the assistants will learn how to match their content and ideas with the WSIS action lines and Sustainable development goals using social media platforms to engage and inspire youth.
Workshop on smart cities robots design for everybody. On Monday 19th at 14:30 - 16:15 .
Action Line C3: Access to information and knowledge. Where does the youth stand? Cross-sectoral dialogue on the contribution of the youth to the development of the Action Line C3 achieve Goal 8 on decent work and economic growth. The main purpose of the workshop is to bring together young representation from every sector in order to address the question of how greater access to ICTs can improve the situation for youth, especially with regard to youth employment and economic growth.
The main purpose of this activity is to discuss the main issues in the identified topics for youth within the WSIS framework to encourage an active contribution and participation to the WSIS Process. The Cloud Café consist of a 2 hour dynamic space where experts representing one topic will be available to have a brief debate with each participant for 10 minutes, where they can provide knowledge, share their experience, and solve questions.


The youth special thematic workshops will provide participants from 18 to 35 years old the necessary tools and insights about ICTs for development projects, vision and challenges currently faced by WSIS multi-stakeholder scenarios that will encourage them to pursue different paths to achieve the sustainable development goals in a future by implementing innovative solutions through new technologies. Information and knowledge is the key that the WSIS Forum aims to provide them by potential networks and easy engagement to the different activities proposed.