Zero Waste Living: speaking the language of a new generation for sustainable habits

Rogue Gone Vogue (YouTube Channel)

session 155 organizer(s) logo

Session 155

11:00–12:45, Friday, 23 March 2018 Room A, ITU Tower Thematic Workshop Speakers/Panellists  Link to WSIS Action Lines  Link to SDGs  Related Links 

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Zero Waste Living, a philosophy that encourages working towards creating little to no trash sent to landfill or incinerators, has become immensely popular in the last few years. A vast amount of information about how to achieve this feat has been shared online, with a growing number of blogs, social media accounts and YouTube channels that are dedicated exclusively to sharing best practices and creating communities of actions. How can we better harness this largely individually-motivated network and instead create larger movements offline, using the power of ICT to allow for global exchange and cooperation?

This session will review the online community centered around zero waste and examine how the enthusiasm and energy fostered online can be maintained offline. The session will begin with a brief overview of how ICT is being used to highlight and foster online communities working towards zero waste, then a roundtable of the panellists to go over their own personal channels and goals, followed by a discussion and open brainstorm on how to better mobilise the wealth of information online into action and community projects.  

Further topics that will be touched upon include the opportunity of online inclusion across all borders and communities and how consumer behaviour can contribute to business and policy change.

Zero waste living in its very essence is about mindful consumption habits and developing daily practices that are sustainable for us and our planet.

The online community:

Offers a support system and a platform for those who choose to live consciously to share their experiences and journey;
Sheds the light and educates in an unconventional way about environmental issues in order to cultivate more conscious consumers around the world;
Allows people on an individual level to be part of the solution to bigger environmental issues.

The power of images and videos is undeniable in educating and spreading the word. Social media plays a vital role in the growth of this community as it exhibits a sustainable alternative way of living. 

The vision for WSIS Beyond 2015 is for teachers to be leveraging the impact of social media platforms, especially through harnessing the content of YouTube and emphasizing the importance of educating oneself through non-traditional means. It is also important to give more opportunity to youth to participate in SDG fulfilment at places like the WSIS Forum through social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter through live videos, polls and online participation in comments. It’s important to invite young people to be a part of input on international agendas, reminding them that they have a responsibility and a right to engage in big decisions made that will affect their futures. 



Ms Josephine Vermilye, YouTuber, Rogue Gone Vogue

Ms Alexis McGivern, YouTuber, Rogue Gone Vogue

Ms Florine Hofmann, Blogger, The Wasted Blog

Ms Xenya Scanlon,  Sustainable Fashion Expert, Writer,  Green Stilettos

Mr Raphaël Surmont , YouTuber, Raphaël Surmont Drum Channel

Session's link to WSIS Action Lines

  • AL C6 logo C6. Enabling environment
  • AL C7 e-Lea logo C7. ICT Applications: E-learning
  • AL C7 e-Env logo C7. ICT Applications: E-environment

This session looks to examine and brainstorm how to mobilise and harness non-traditional platforms of education (YouTube, Instagram, Twitter) and use the actions and work of Zero Waste Ambassadors globally to encourage sustainable habits.


Session's link to Sustainable Development Process

  • Goal 3: Good health and well-being logo Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all
  • Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production logo Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
  • Goal 14: Life below water logo Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources
  • Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions logo Goal 16: Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies


Link to this session