Policy statements will be delivered during the high-level policy sessions by high-ranking officials of the WSIS Stakeholder community.
Participate in building a collage of photographs from around the world demonstrating how ICTs are playing an enabling role in achieving the SDGs.
Remain updated on the WSIS Process
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Over a billion young people worldwide are at risk of developing hearing loss due to the unsafe use of personal audio devices and exposure to damaging levels of sound in noisy entertainment venues. The WHO “Make Listening Safe” Initiative draws attention to the rising problem of noise-induced hearing loss due to recreational exposure to loud sounds. It has partnered with ITU to bring together governments, health professionals, academia and the industry to discuss how ICTs can help make listening safe. Expected outcomes include policy briefs, international standards and awareness campaigns to ensure that people of all ages can enjoy music, games, movies and live events without jeopardizing their hearing.
The session will highlight the need and means for developing safe ICT as a tool in hearing loss prevention.
Hearing health is an integral part of the overall health of humans. Improper use of technology is posing a challenge for hearing. Through awareness and innvoation it is possible to address this challenge.
Remote participation has been designed as an integral feature of the WSIS Forum 2018, so if you are unable to attend in person you can follow and participate remotely in any of the sessions or catch up on the sessions you missed through the session recordings!