ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Girls in ICT day 2025

SG05 - Study Group Structure
(Study Period 2025-2028)

Q1/5 Electrical protection, reliability, safety, and security of telecommunication/ICT systems
Continuation of Q1/5 and Q2/5
Q2/5 Equipment specification and component/device for protection against lightning and other phenomena
Continuation of Q1/5 and Q2/5
Q3/5 Assessment of human exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs)
Continuation of Q3/5
Q4/5 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) aspects in telecommunications/ICTs
Continuation of Q4/5
Q6/5 Environmental efficiency of telecommunications/ICTs
Continuation of Q6/5 and Q11/5 and Q12/5
Q7/5 E-waste, circular economy, and sustainable supply chain management
Continuation of Q7/5 and Q13/5
Q8/5 Guidance and terminology on environment
Continuation of Q8/5
Q9/5 Assessing the impact of telecommunications/ICTs on climate change, biodiversity and the environment - including the influence on other sectors
Continuation of Q9/5
Q11/5 Climate change mitigation and smart energy solutions
Continuation of Q11/5
Q12/5 Climate actions and adaptation to climate change through sustainable and resilient telecommunications/ICTs (including new and emerging)
Continuation of Q12/5 and Q13/5
Regional groups
SG5RG-AFR ITU-T SG5 Regional Group for Africa (SG5RG-AFR)
SG5RG-AP ITU-T SG5 Regional Group for Asia and the Pacific (SG5RG-AP)
SG5RG-ARB ITU-T SG5 Regional Group for the Arab Region (SG5RG-ARB)
SG5RG-LATAM ITU-T SG5 Regional Group for Latin America (SG5RG-LATAM)

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