ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Girls in ICT day 2025

SG03 - Study Group Structure
(Study Period 2025-2028)

Q1/3 Development of charging and accounting/settlement mechanisms for current and future international telecommunication/ICT services and networks
Continuation of Q1/3
Q3/3 Study of economic and policy factors relevant to the efficient provision of international telecommunication services
Continuation of Q3/3
Q6/3 International Internet fibre cables and satellite Internet connectivity including relevant aspects of Internet protocol (IP) peering, regional traffic exchange points, fibre cables optimization, cost of provision of services and impact of Internet protocol version 6 (IPv6) deployment
Continuation of Q6/3
Q7/3 International mobile roaming issues (including charging, accounting and settlement mechanisms and roaming at border areas)
Continuation of Q7/3
Q8/3 Economic aspects of alternative calling procedures in the context of international telecommunication/ICT services and networks
Continuation of Q8/3
Q9/3 Economic and policy aspects of the Internet, convergence (services or infrastructure) and OTTs in the context of international telecommunication/ICT services and networks
Continuation of Q9/3
Q10/3 Competition policy and relevant market definitions related to the economic aspects of international telecommunication services and networks
Continuation of Q10/3
Q11/3 Economic and policy aspects of big data and digital identity in international telecommunication services and networks
Continuation of Q11/3
Q12/3 Economic and policy issues pertaining to international telecommunication/ICT services and networks that enable mobile financial services (MFS)
Continuation of Q12/3
Regional groups
SG3RG-AFR SG3 Regional Group for Africa
SG3RG-AO SG3 Regional Group for Asia and Oceania
SG3RG-ARB SG3 Regional Group for the Arab Region
SG3RG-EECAT SG3 Regional Group for Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Transcaucasia
SG3RG-EURM SG3 Regional Group for Europe and the Mediterranean Basin
SG3RG-LAC SG3 Regional Group for Latin America and the Caribbean
Focus Groups
FG-CD ​​ITU-T Focus Group on cost models for affordable data services (FG-​CD)​

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