LS | Title | From | To | Approval date |
SG5-LS178 | LS/r on leakage and impact of radio frequency noise from telecommunication systems using metallic conductors (reply to SG9 - LS 164 -E) and (reply to ITU-R WP 1A - Document 1A/TEMP/22 -E) | SG5 | ITU-R WP 1A; SG9; | 2016-10-14 |
SG9-LS164 | LS/r Leakage and impact of radio frequency noise from telecommunication systems using metallic conductors (reply to ITU-T SG5) | SG9 | ITU-R WP 1A; ITU-R WP 4C; ITU-R WP 5B; SG5; | 2016-09-02 |
ITU-R WP 1A-1A/TEMP/22 | LS/r on Leakage and impact of radio frequency noise from telecommunication systems using metallic conductors (reply to ITU-T SG5-LS121) | ITU-R WP 1A | SG5; SG9; | 2016-06-09 |
SG5-LS121 | LS/r evaluating the leakage and impact of radio frequency noise from telecommunication systems using metallic conductors (reply to ITU-R WP5B-5B/TEMP/399-E, ITU-R WP1A-1A/TEMP/103-E, ITU-R WP1A-1A/TEMP/101-E) | SG5 | ITU-R WP 1A; ITU-R WP 5B; SG9; | 2015-10-23 |
ITU-R WP 5B-5B/TEMP/399 | LS/r on evaluating the leakage and impact of radio frequency noise from telecommunication systems using metallic conductors (reply to SG5-LS101; SG5-LS102; SG15-LS188) | ITU-R WP 5B | SG5; SG9; SG15; | 2015-07-10 |
ITU-R WP 1A-1A/TEMP/103 | LS on evaluating the leakage and impact of radio frequency noise from telecommunication systems using metallic conductors | ITU-R WP 1A | SG5; SG9; SG15; | 2015-06-10 |
ITU-R WP 1A-1A/TEMP/101 | LS on ITU-R interest in K-series Recommendations | ITU-R WP 1A | SG5; SG9; SG15; | 2015-06-10 |
SG5-LS101 | LS/r on Recommendations ITU-T K.60 - Coexistence of wired and wireless communication systems (reply to ITU-T SG9–LS 91) | SG5 | ITU-R WP 1A; ITU-R WP 5A; ITU-R WP 6A; ITU-R WP 5C; ITU-R WP 5B; SG9; | 2014-12-19 |
SG5-LS102 | LS/r on Current status of draft Recommendation ITU-T K.mhn and issues related to coexistence of wired telecommunications and radio communication (reply to SG9-LS92) | SG5 | ITU-R WP 1A; ITU-R WP 5B; SG9; ITU-R WP 3L; | 2014-12-19 |
SG15-LS188 | LS/r on co-existence between radiocommunication systems and new wired telecommunication standards (reply to ITU-R-5B/Temp/372) | SG15 | ITU-R WP 4C; ITU-R WP 5B; | 2014-12-05 |
ITU-R WP 5B-5B/TEMP/372 | LS on co-existence between radiocommunication systems and new wired telecommunication standards | ITU-R WP 5B | SG5; SG9; SG15; | 2014-11-10 |
SG9-LS91 | LS/r on Recommendation ITU-T K.60 - Coexistence of wired and wireless communication systems (reply to SG5 - LS 78) | SG9 | SG5; ITU-R WP 1A; ITU-R WP 6A; ITU-R WP 5B; | 2014-09-12 |
SG9-LS92 | LS/r on Current status on draft Recommendation ITU-T K.mhn and issues related to coexistence of wired telecommunications and radio communication (reply to SG5 – LS 83) | SG9 | ITU-R WP 1A; ITU-R WP 5A; ITU-R WP 6A; ITU-R WP 4C; ITU-R WP 5C; ITU-R WP 5B; SG5; | 2014-09-12 |
SG5-LS83 | LS/r on Current status on draft Recommendation ITU-T K.mhn and issues related to coexistence of wired telecommunications and radio communication (reply to SG9-LS56) | SG5 | ITU-R WP 1A; ITU-R WP 6A; ITU-R WP 4C; ITU-R WP 5B; SG9; | 2014-07-29 |
SG5-LS78 | LS/r on Recommendation ITU-T K.60 - Coexistence of wired and wireless communication systems (reply to SG9-LS 56, 66, 67; ITU-R WP1A-1A/TEMP/64, 71 and LS19, ITU-R WP5B-5B/TEMP/295, ITU-R WP6A-6A/TEMP/179) | SG5 | ITU-R WP 1A; ITU-R WP 6A; ITU-R WP 5B; SG9; | 2014-07-29 |
ITU-R WP 1A-1A/TEMP/64 | LS on excessive levels of radio frequency noise in the environment | ITU-R WP 1A | SG5; SG15; | 2014-06-11 |
ITU-R WP 1A-LS19 | LS/r on leakage of radio frequency energy from J.HiNoC systems (reply to COM 9 - LS 33 & LS 56) | ITU-R WP 1A | SG5; SG9; | 2014-06-11 |
ITU-R WP 1A-1A/TEMP/71 | ITU-R interest in K series Recommendations | ITU-R WP 1A | SG5; | 2014-06-11 |
SG9-LS66 | LS on additional information on regional regulations related to coexistence of wired telecommunications with radiocommunication systems | SG9 | ITU-R WP 1A; ITU-R WP 5A; ITU-R WP 5C; ITU-R WP 5B; SG5; | 2014-05-28 |
SG9-LS67 | LS/r on coexistence of wired telecommunications with radiocommunication systems (reply to COM5-LS45) | SG9 | SG5; ITU-R WP 1A; ITU-R WP 5A; ITU-R WP 6A; ITU-R WP 5C; ITU-R WP 5B; | 2014-05-28 |