Page 44 - UN Executive Briefing on Unlocking the potential of virtual worlds and the metaverse for the Sustainable Development Goals
P. 44

UN Executive Briefing on Unlocking the potential of virtual worlds and
                                          the metaverse for the Sustainable Development Goals

                      Agency name:

                      United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD)

                      Description of activities:

                      The United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) is an autonomous
                      research institute within the UN system that undertakes interdisciplinary research and policy
                      analysis on the social dimensions of contemporary development issues.

                      Project 1: “The Art of Equality: A Journey to Justice” - Metaverse Art Exhibition 

                      “The Art of Equality” is an innovative project that explores the profound connection between art
                      and social change. In celebration of its 60  anniversary, the United Nations Research Institute
                      for Social Development (UNRISD) has invited artists from around the world to create a unique
                      and immersive experience that transcends borders and time.

                      To amplify the reach and impact of this initiative, we have transformed the physical exhibition
                      into the metaverse, creating an inclusive virtual reality journey that overcomes geographical
                      barriers and provides global access. This digital transformation ensures that everyone,
                      regardless of location, can participate in and benefit from this powerful experience.

                      Within the canvas of art, we asked artists to explore the diverse forms of inequality that affect
                      our global community and that are at the core of UNRISD’s research. Economic inequalities
                      persist, with the richest 1 per cent taking two-thirds of all new wealth created since 2020. Social
                      inequalities related to gender, migration and identity continue across sectors. Today, women
                      hold just one-quarter of all parliamentary seats and earn 77 cents for every dollar men earn for
                      the same work. Environmental inequalities are also increasing due to the climate crisis, with 32
                      million people losing their homes in 2022 alone due to extreme weather.

                      During this virtual journey, guided by art and six decades of UNRISD’s pioneering research for
                      social change, people will explore the artworks of 39 artists representing 23 countries from
                      six regions, taking them through time, from “where we come from” to “where we are” and
                      “where we are going.” They will revisit significant events that have shaped the past 60 years of
                      our history, explore current challenges in gender, climate, economics and social justice, and
                      be transported into the future, where a visionary eco-social world is founded on principles of
                      equality and justice for people and for the planet.
                      With this immersive experience, we aim to stimulate contemplation and spark meaningful
                      conversations that inspire a positive change in our world. 

                      Related SDG:

                      The project touches across all SDGs, with the overall focus on reducing inequalities, under
                      SDG 10.

                      Relevant link: 

                      “The Art of Equality”: Project Page | Virtual Exhibition


                      Karima Cherif, Head of Communications and Outreach, UNRISD karima.cherif@ un .org

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