Page 41 - UN Executive Briefing on Unlocking the potential of virtual worlds and the metaverse for the Sustainable Development Goals
P. 41

UN Executive Briefing on Unlocking the potential of virtual worlds and
                                   the metaverse for the Sustainable Development Goals

               specifically focusing on opportunities, risks, and wildcards, as well as cross-cutting enablers
               (e.g., application, capacity building, risk management, and impact measurement).

               The expected outcome from these two phases is a multistakeholder input to the UN Summit of
               the Future (September 2024) as an example of participatory consultations drawing on futures
               and foresight methodologies in the context of the metaverse and SDGs.

               Related SDG:
               •    The project explored the future of virtual worlds and the metaverse in the context of all
                    17 SDGs.

               Relevant links:
               •    https:// un -futureslab .org/
               •    https:// www .worldbank .org/ en/ home
               •    https:// un -dco .org/
               •    https:// www .itcilo .org/

               •    Chris Earney, Head, UN Futures Lab/Global Hub (chris.earney@ un .org)
               •    Alana Poole, Deputy, UN Futures Lab/Global Hub (alana.poole@ un .org)
               •    Irina Velasco, Foresight Specialist, UN Futures Lab/Global Hub (irina.velasco@ un .org)
               •    Lucia Soriano Irigaray, Foresight Specialist, UN Futures Lab/Global Hub (lucia.soriano@
                    un .org)
               •    Joolokeni Vesikko, Communications Manager, UN Futures Lab/Global Hub (joolokeni.
                    vesikko@ un .org)
               •    Prema Chandrashekhar, Technology & Innovation Officer - Business Innovations, World
                    Bank ITS Technology & Innovation Lab (plnu10@ worldbankgroup .org)
               •    Nicole Pallares Ferrer, Associate Programme Officer, International Training Centre of the
                    ILO (n.pallares@ itcilo .org)
               •    Katarina Kuai, Innovation lead, UN Development Coordination Office (katarina.kuai@ un

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