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Towards human-centric digital transformation – VaMoz Digital! Mozambique

VaMoz Digital! is not just a programme; it’s a bold step towards revolutionizing Mozambique’s digital landscape.

The ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau, in collaboration with the EU Delegation in Mozambique, is supporting the Government of Mozambique in reviewing and enhancing its digital transformation strategies across all sectors. This includes improving digital policies, building institutional capacities, and advancing efforts to develop a robust digital ecosystem.

The programme’s name, VaMoz Digital!, is an abbreviation of the phrase ‘Let’s go, Digital Mozambique!’ in Portuguese, the nation’s official language.

With an overall financial investment of EUR 10 million from the European Union, VaMoz Digital! aims to harness human-centric digital transformation to foster sustainable development and inclusive growth throughout the country.

Implemented together with the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), the main beneficiaries of VaMoz Digital! are public decision-makers and Mozambican youth, with a special focus on girls and young people with disabilities.

The national launch event for the VaMoz Digital! programme took place in June 2024, and highlighted the collective commitment to advancing sustainable and inclusive development in Mozambique through digital technology.

The core objectives of the project include:

  1. Shaping future-ready policies and regulations to support robust digital frameworks that can drive transformation across all sectors.
  2. Enhancing government and institutional capabilities to provide advanced training on emerging technologies, including  AI and blockchain, while fostering job creation and growth.
  3. Supporting digital entrepreneurship to unlock opportunities for youth, including girls and those with disabilities.

This will be achieved through two main components:

  1.  Laying the Foundation for VaMoz Digital!, implemented by ITU and the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC), enhances digital transformation by strengthening infrastructure, integrating ICT policies, and building institutional capacities.
  2. VaMoz Digital! Digital Competences, Entrepreneurship, and Services as Growth Opportunities for Youth, managed by AICS with the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Higher Education (MCTES), boosts the digital economy by creating opportunities for youth employment, innovation, and entrepreneurship, and supporting new start-ups with incubation services.

The interventions under the “Laying the Foundation for VaMoz Digital!” component have commenced with a  focus on digital policy, market and innovation ecosystems, to understand the evolving situation in the country with ongoing efforts to build capacities and foster a robust digital ecosystem.

1st Joint Technical Programme Coordination Meeting of VaMoz Digital!

The journey has just begun…Let’s go, Digital Mozambique!

Read more about the VaMoz Digital!’ project.

This is an ITU Development #DigitalImpactUnlocked story

About the project

Project number: 9MOZ23005
Project title: Laying the foundation for VaMoz Digital
Description: The project aims to strengthening the enabling environment for inclusive digital transformation through institutional capacity development for policy and regulatory stakeholders, digital skills training and targeted actions to foster a vibrant digital innovation ecosystem in Mozambique. The project ‘Laying the foundation for VaMoz Digital!’ is a component of the joint EC-ITU-AICS “VaMoz Digital!” project which aims to contribute to Mozambique’s inclusive growth focused on digital transformation.

Visit the project page for more details.

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