ITU workshop to forecast the future of TV for Europe
An upcoming ITU workshop to discuss the future of TV for Europe will assist European countries in capitalizing on the latest innovations in TV technology and navigating associated challenges facing business and policy.
The open-to-all, free-of-charge ITU workshop will be held on 7 June 2019 at ITU Headquarters in Geneva.
The workshop will discuss emerging TV technologies and services, as well as their convergence in fields such as integrated broadband-broadcast services.
Policymakers and regulators will exchange views on how best to create an enabling environment for TV innovation and reflect associated evolutions in business dynamics.
User interfaces are high on the agenda, with the workshop including a session dedicated to the accessibility of next-generation TV services to persons with disabilities.
“Those with reduced abilities can and will make a vital contribution to society if we help them to share the media experience,” says David Wood, European Broadcasting Union, Co-Chair of ITU’s Intersector Rapporteur Group on Audiovisual Media Accessibility (IRG-AVA). “Let’s start by working together as much as we can on the technical standards for the systems they deserve.”
An exhibition running in parallel to the workshop will feature demonstrations of cutting-edge TV technologies and TV services soon to be available to viewers.
The workshop is kindly supported by HiSilicon.
Radiocommunication, Standardization, Development
Discussions will draw on the expertise of ITU’s three Sectors – the co-organizers of the workshop – ITU-R (Radiocommunication), ITU-T (Standardization) and ITU-D (Development).
The workshop offers a key opportunity to discuss regional and international standardization activities relevant to TV, including as they relate to emerging IMT-2020 (5G) systems.
Challenges facing broadcasting spectrum management will be discussed in view of preparations for the ITU World Radiocommunication Conference 2023.
Participants will also share views on how European countries could best position their TV markets to benefit from innovation in fields such as 5G while protecting against emerging security threats.
All confirmed speakers can be found on the workshop programme.
Learn more about the ITU initiatives facilitating the workshop: