ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Goal 16. Peace & Justice

ICTs for a Sustainable World

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Peace, Justice and strong institutions

ICTs can play an important role in crisis management, humanitarian aid and peacebuilding, and have proved to be a powerful aid in areas such as electoral monitoring. The growing use of open data by governments increases transparency, empowers citizens, and helps to drive economic growth. ICTs are also essential in terms of record-keeping and tracking government data and local demographics.

When natural or man-made disasters occur, ICTs are crucial in obtaining, communicating and transmitting accurate and timely crisis information, allowing appropriate responses to be made. In the future, big data analysis and data mining should allow better use to be made of the vast amount of data that is already openly accessible online.


Case study – Mexico


Sound Bites

"Pursuing peace means rising above one's own wants, needs, and emotions."

Benazir Bhutto
Former Prime Minister of Pakistan



"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."

Martin Luther King Jr.
African-American Civil Rights Leader