Page 6 - ITU Smart Sustainable Cities, March 2021
P. 6


       on cities

       City challenges range from
       growing inequalities, urban sprawl,
       pollution and associated health             “A smart sustainable city is an innovative city that
       issues, to the burgeoning impact            uses information and communication technologies
       of climate change. Many of these            and other means to improve quality of life, efficiency
       challenges further exacerbate one           of urban operation & services, and competitiveness,
       another, leading to a synergistic           while ensuring that it meets the needs of present and
       cycle of issues within the urban            future generations with respect to economic, social,
       domain. In the wake of the                  environmental as well as cultural aspects.”
       COVID-19 pandemic cities will
       continue to grapple with the
       widening socio-economic gaps for            Recommendation ITU-T Y.4900
       the foreseeable future.

       With over 66 per cent of the                What does it mean to be
       population expected to live
       in urban areas by 2050, cities              a Smart Sustainable City?
       need to reimagine the way in
       which resources and services are            A smart sustainable city (SSC) places emphasis on the need for
       managed and delivered to improve            cities to be sustainable (resilient and inclusive), in addition to being
       the sustainability and efficiency of
       services, mitigate climate crisis and       smart, i.e. digitally capable. At the core of the smart sustainable city
       environmental risks, and safeguard          ecosystem, lies an ICT infrastructure for the provision of services
       the well-being of every citizen.            and facilitation of effective decision-making.

       To curb the negative impacts of             To be acknowledged as smart and sustainable, cities and
       urbanization and climate change, a          communities are encouraged to take a human-centric approach
       methodological shift encapsulating          to urban development; one that takes human values into
       innovative solutions in urban
       policies is essential. With the aim         consideration when deploying digital and technological solutions.
       of addressing cross-cutting issues
       in the sphere of sustainability,
       cities are increasingly embracing
       technologies to carry out their
       operations to cater to the needs
       of their inhabitants without
       compromising on the interests of
       the future generations.
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