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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 1

          [86] A.VargaandR.Hornig. AnoverviewoftheOMNeT++      AUTHORS
              simulation environment. In Proc. ICST Int. Conf. on
              Simul. Tools and Techn. for Commun., Netw. and Sys.                   Ahmed    Nasrallah  is  cur‑
              & Workshops, pages 1–10, 2008.                                        rently a researcher funded by
                                                                                    Kuwait University to pursue
          [87] M. Vlk, Z. Hanzalek, K. Brejchova, S. Tang, S. Bhat‑                 the Ph.D. degree in Computer
              tacharjee, and S. Fu. Enhancing schedulability and                    Engineering at Arizona State
              throughput of time‑triggered traf ic in IEEE 802.1                    University, Tempe. He received
              Qbv Time‑Sensitive Networks. IEEE Transactions on                     his B.Sc. degree in Electrical and
              Communications, 68(11):7023–7038, Nov. 2020.                          Computer Engineering from the
                                                                                    University of Dayton, Dayton
          [88] C. von Arnim, M. Dragan, F. Frick, A. Lechler,  Ohio, and his M.S. degree in Computer Engineering from
              O. Riedel, and A. Verl. TSN‑based converged indus‑  Arizona State University.  His research is focused on
              trial networks: Evolutionary steps and migration  communication and multimedia networking.
              paths. In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Emerging Techn. and
              Factory Automation (ETFA), volume 1, pages 294–                       Venkatraman Balasubrama‑
              301, 2020.                                                            nian received an MS degree
                                                                                    in computer engineering from
          [89] C. von Arnim, A. Lechler, O. Riedel, and A. Verl. Frag‑
              mentation in recon igured real‑time production net‑                   the University of Ottawa, in
              works. In Annals of Scienti ic Society for Assembly,                  2017. He is currently working
              Handling and Industrial Robotics, pages 105–115.                      towards his PhD degree in
              Springer Vieweg, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2020.                            School of Electrical and Com‑
                                                                                    puter  Engineering,  Arizona
          [90] Z. Xiang, F. Gabriel, E. Urbano, G. T. Nguyen,                       State University. His research
              M. Reisslein, and F. H. Fitzek.  Reducing latency                     interests include edge comput‑
              in virtual machines: Enabling tactile internet for  ing, software de ined network, wireless communications,
              human‑machine co‑working. IEEE Journal on Se‑    and multimedia sharing over wireless networks.
              lected Areas in Communications, 37(5):1098–1116,
              2019.                                                                 Akhilesh Thyagaturu is an
                                                                                    Engineer at Intel Corporation,
          [91] J. Yan, W. Quan, X. Jiang, and Z. Sun. Injection time                Chandler,  AZ, USA, and an
              planning: Making CQF practical in time‑sensitive                      Adjunct Faculty in the School
              networking. In Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, pages 616–625,                     of Electrical, Computer, and
              2020.                                                                 Energy Engineering at Arizona
                                                                                    State University (ASU), Tempe.
          [92] Q. Yu and M. Gu.  Adaptive group routing and    He received a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Arizona
              scheduling in multicast time‑sensitive networks.  State University, Tempe, in 2017. He serves as a reviewer
              IEEE Access, 8:37855–37865, 2020.
                                                               for various journals including the IEEE Communications
          [93] C. Zhang, Y. Wang, R. Yao, B. Zhou, L. Cheng, Y. Xu,  Surveys & Tutorials, IEEE Transactions of Network and
              X. Li, J. Cheng, and B. Liu. Packet‑size aware schedul‑  Service Management, and Optical Fiber Technology. He
              ing algorithms in guard band for time sensitive net‑  was with Qualcomm Technologies Inc., San Diego, CA,
              working. CCF Transactions on Networking, 3:4–20,  USA, as an Engineer from 2013 to 2015.
                                                                                    Martin Reisslein (S’96‑M’98‑
          [94] K. Zhang, S. Leng, Y. He, S. Maharjan, and Y. Zhang.                 SM’03‑F’14) is a Professor in the
              Mobile edge computing and networking for green                        School of Electrical, Computer,
              and low‑latency Internet of Things. IEEE Commu‑                       and Energy Engineering at
              nications Magazine, 56(5):39–45, 2018.                                Arizona State University (ASU),
                                                                                    Tempe. He received a Ph.D. in
                                                                                    systems engineering from the
                                                                                    University of Pennsylvania in
                                                               1998. He currently serves as Associate Editor for the
                                                               IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, the IEEE Trans‑
                                                               actions on Education, and IEEE Access as well as Computer
                                                               Networks and Optical Switching and Networking. He is
                                                               Associate Editor‑in‑Chief for the IEEE Communications
                                                               Surveys & Tutorials and chairs the steering committee of
                                                               the IEEE Transactions on Multimedia.

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