Page 36 - Use cases and requirements for the vehicular multimedia networks - Focus Group on Vehicular Multimedia (FG-VM)
P. 36

9.3     Use case – Private vehicle with one single user

            The end user is identified when entering his privately-owned vehicle. VMS cloud platform has access
            to the agenda of vehicle owner. It therefore knows if the user is driving to a meeting, a birthday party,
            a  restaurant,  etc.,  and  the  time  of  arrival  at  the  destination.  Based  on  the  time  of  day  and
            geo-localization of the vehicle, the platform sends proposals to the VMS that are displayed on the
            VMS or read to the end user through the VMS (text-to-speech) e.g., restaurant reservation before a
            meeting, buying flowers on the way to a dinner or a gift on the way to a birthday party, etc. The
            vehicle user can through direct interaction (voice recognition, touch screen, other) with the VMS
            make use of these proposals or deny proposals. Furthermore, having deposited payment preferences
            in the cloud, the vehicle owner can directly pay through the VMS. Based on the inputs into the VMS,
            the vehicle might  be  rerouted to  another itinerary in  order to  pick up the goods  or to  go to the
            restaurant chosen during the ride.

            9.3.1   Requirements
            R1:  VMSP  should  have  access  to  a  commercial  platform  linking  location-based  data  with  the
            information of shops, restaurants and current commercial offers.
            R2: VMS should have access to personal payment data that are deposited in the cloud.

            R3:  VMS  should  have  a  feature  for  secure  identification  of  the  user  before  payment  process
            (e.g., fingerprint sensor, iris scanner).

            9.4     Use case – Long distance shared vehicle with multi users (shuttle all users are seated)
            End users are identified when entering the shuttle. Each user of the shuttle has his own seat in the
            vehicle. VMS identifies where they are seated within the shuttle in order to adapt content, based on
            the capabilities of each seated position (some might have screen, some just audio, the possibility of
            seat  comfort  adaptation  etc.).  VMS  has  access  to  agenda  or  agenda  parts  of  each  shuttle  user
            (either from  the  cloud,  following  authorization  from  the  user,  or  from  the  user's  mobile  phone).
            The itinerary has been optimized in order to bring each vehicle user on an optimized route within the
            shortest time to its destination. In addition, due to the link of the cloud platform with the agenda of
            the multiple users, the VMS knows for each single user if he drives to a meeting, birthday party, etc.
            Based on optimization algorithms the VMS proposes services (restaurant reservations, buying flowers
            or a gift) to each individual shuttle user based on his respective agenda. Each vehicle user can pay
            through direct interaction with its VMS within the shuttle.

            9.4.1   Requirements

            R1: VMS should have the ability to identify the different users and retrieve their personal and payment

            R2: VMS should support receiving agenda and personal information from user mobile devices.
            R3: VMS can allow the user to enter destination without revealing his agenda and other personal
            information (via dedicated application, or in-vehicle screen with coordination and synchronization
            with user mobile phone).
            R4:  The  VMSP  with  data  concerning  destination  and  agenda  of  all  users  of  the  shuttle  and  the
            commercial decisions all users take, should provide these data to the cloud navigation application and
            receive from it, an optimized proposal for the different users and for the routing of the shuttle.
            R5: User can at any time change itinerary, overwriting agenda information and previous instructions
            in the VMS.
            R6: Upon detection of change of the VMS user, the VMS should wipe personal data transferred
            through the mobile device connected to the VMS in order to respect privacy of personal data.

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