Page 9 - Shaping smarter and more sustainable cities - Striving for sustainable development goals
P. 9
1 Introduction 01
2 Empowering Smart Sustainable City Transitions 05
2.1 An overview of smart sustainable cities and the role of information and communication
technologies – (technical report) 07
2.2 Smart Sustainable Cities: an analysis of definitions – (technical report) 47
2.3 Smart sustainable cities: a guide for city leaders - (technical report) 125
2.4 Master plan for smart sustainable cities - (technical report) 135
2.5 Setting the stage for stakeholders’ engagement in smart sustainable cities –
(technical report) 169
3 Exploring the Smart Sustainable City Infrastructure 213
3.1 Overview of smart sustainable cities infrastructure - (technical report) 215
3.2 Setting the framework for an ICT architecture of a smart sustainable city -
(technical specifications) 337
3.3 Multi-service infrastructure for smart sustainable cities in new-development areas -
(technical specifications) 383
3.4 Cybersecurity, data protection and cyber resilience in smart sustainable cities –
(technical report) 421
3.5 Intelligent sustainable buildings for smart sustainable cities - (technical report) 453
3.6 Smart water management in cities – (technical report) 497
3.7 Information and communication technologies for climate change adaptation in cities –
(technical report) 543
3.8 Electromagnetic field (EMF) considerations in smart sustainable cities –
(technical report) 585
3.9 Integrated management for smart sustainable cities – (technical report) 649
3.10 Anonymization infrastructure and open data in smart sustainable cities - (technical report) 683
4 Metrics for Measuring Smart Sustainable City Transitions 753
4.1 Overview of key performance indicators in smart sustainable cities –
(technical specifications) 755
4.2 Key performance indicators related to the use of information and communication
technology in smart sustainable cities – (technical specifications) 771
4.3 Key performance indicators related to the sustainability impacts of information and
communication technology in smart sustainable cities – (technical specifications) 795
4.4 Key performance indicators definitions for smart sustainable cities – (technical report) 817
5 Paving the way for SSC 919
5.1 Standardization roadmap for smart sustainable cities – (technical report) 921
5.2 Standardization activities for smart sustainable cities - (technical report) 957
6 Conclusion 1105