Page 7 - Shaping smarter and more sustainable cities - Striving for sustainable development goals
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The ITU-T Focus Group on Smart Sustainable Cities
(FG-SSC) concluded its two-year study in May
2015 with the delivery of 21 Technical Reports
and Specifications to provide the foundations
of subsequent ITU-T standardization work. This
compendium of the reports and specifications
released by the Focus Group will assist the studies
of all decision-makers with smart-city ambitions.
Smart Sustainable Cities will contribute
to the achievement of the Sustainable
Development Goals by leveraging information
and communication technologies (ICTs) to set
cities on a development course characterized key performance indicators for Smart Sustainable
by environmental sustainability, resilience, and cities, and we are in discussion with other cities
equitable social and economic growth. interested in following suit.
The ITU-T Focus Group on Smart Sustainable The development of Smart Sustainable Cities will
Cities encouraged collaboration among the require national and local governments to work in
many stakeholders expected to contribute to collaboration with industry and society to develop
the development of Smart Sustainable Cities. processes for more integrated decision-making.
The diverse group analyzed research on the ITU-T Study Group 20 and the trial implementation
topic of smart cities, addressing gaps in research of the key performance indicators are examples
and establishing a basis for the development of of new models of collaboration to improve the
relevant international standards. coordination of smart-city development.
Smart Sustainable Cities require trusted I trust that this compendium will provide a
information infrastructure capable of supporting valuable reference point to the community driving
an enormous volume and diversity of ICT the development of Smart Sustainable Cities. The
applications and citizen-driven services. The Focus Group was successful in encouraging the
foundational ICT infrastructure of a smart city collaboration of smart-city stakeholders, and
should ensure openness and interoperability, this compendium is expected to play a similar
achieved with coordinated adherence to common role in building a common understanding of
standards. stakeholders’ respective responsibilities in the
development of Smart Sustainable Cities.
In June 2015, ITU members established the
new ITU-T Study Group 20 to look at “Internet
of Things and its applications including smart
cities and communities”. ITU-T Study Group
20 is taking an innovative approach to IoT
standardization by placing ITU’s technical
expertise at the service of national and local
governments, city planners and a wide range of
vertical industries. We have also partnered with Chaesub Lee
Dubai and Singapore in a two-year trial of ITU’s Director, ITU Telecommunication
Standardization Bureau