Page 42 - ITU Kaleidoscope 2016
P. 42

2016 ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference

                            2.  BACKGROUND                    to get an idea of the state of the ocean at any given point of
                                                              time and forms the basis of the EWS (Fig. 2).
           Indian  National  Centre  for  Ocean  Information  Services
           (INCOIS)  generates  Potential  Fishing  Zone  (PFZ)  and   But there were challenges associated with the distribution
           Ocean State Forecast (OSF) Advisories  (fig. 1)  for Indian   of  this  information  to  the  fisher  population.    Hence,
           coastal  region  [8].  It  processes  the  Chlorophyll  and  TSM   mKRISHI® Fisheries, a Java (J2ME) and Android mobile
           images  received  from  Oceansat-2  and  Sea  Surface   based application (Fig. 2) were developed for the fishermen
           Temperature (SST) images from NOAA-18/19 and MetOp-  [9].  This mobile app translated the information in the local
           A/B  satellites.  These  images  are  further  processed  for   regional language (Marathi) in Maharashtra State of India.
           geometric correction, filtering and are geo-coded.  The PFZ   The services were piloted in Raigad district of Maharashtra
           map helps fishermen to plan their fishing locations [4].   (India).  This app helped spread the services quickly in the
                                                              region and was accessible to a large population.
           OSF services display the temporal and spatial aspects of the
           sea  using  Wind  Speed  and  Direction,  Swells  and  Wave   Advance  information  helped  fisher  to  identify  the  PFZ
           height parameters (fig. 1).  These images are generated four   location, estimate the trip duration, and accordingly budget
           times a day, five days in advance. These images show the   the  fuel,  ice  and  labor  requirement.    Wind  speed  image
           regions of sea in different colors. Each color indicates the   (fig.2)  helped  them  in  finding  out  the  areas  where  sea  is
           intensity of the wind speed or the wave height.  Higher the   calm and where it is turbulent. This brought more discipline
           intensity,  the  more  dangerous  the  zone  will  be.    Hence,   in the trip planning and risk assurance, leading to savings in
           availability of this information in advance helps fishermen   diesel,  cost  and  life.  Planning  the  boat  cruise,  in  the
                                                              direction  of  the  wind,  reduced  the  drag  on  the  boat  and
                                                              hence improved the diesel efficiency. This further resulted
                                                              in  the    saving  of  fuel.  Pre-planning  can  help  save  diesel,
                  Wind Speed-Direction                        reduction in CO 2 emission and cost of catch too. This can
                                                              make the fishing safer and sustainable [9].

                  Wave Heights
                                                              During fishermen group discussions (FGDs) the fishermen
                                                              highlighted that though the information helped them to plan
                  Potential Fishing Zone Map                  a safe trip and saved diesel, they also complained that the
                                                              information could not be updated while they were at deep
                                                              sea.  This  was  especially  true  for  the  multi-day  trawlers
                  Potential Fishing Zone Info
                                                              going for up to 10 to 15 days of fishing trip.  The mobile
                                                              service network was available only up to 5-8 kms in the sea
                                                              and  hence,  it  was  difficult  for  them  to  get  the  latest
                  Port Weather Forecast
                                                              information  while  they  were  away  in  the  deep  sea.  This
             Cyclone News, Fish Price …                       effectively reduced the utility of the EWS system.
                  Fisheries Services  Potential Fishing Zone

              Zones with varying  wind speed  Zones with varying  Wave Height
                                                              As shown in fig. 1, during the 48 hours period between 10
                                                              and  12   June  2011,  the  wind  speed  near  Raigad  coast,
                                                              increased from 27 kmph to 81kmph. Even at a speed of 20-
                                                              25 kmph a small four cylinder boat can behave like a toy in
                                                              the  ocean.    This  caused  the  sinking  of  two  boats,  20kms
                                                              from the coast.   An investigation in the incident concluded
                                                              that the boats were loaded with the catch and were enroute
                                                              to the landing center.  Unaware of the sudden development,
                                                              they were caught  in the  turmoil  at  sea.   A  EWS  with the
                                                              extended mobile network in sea could have helped to replan
                                                              their  route or  navigate towards  a  calmer  area  in the  deep
                                                              sea.  This incident led to the research on the extension of
                                                              the  wireless  signal  (preferred  mobility)  in  deep  sea  to
                                                              support the mKRISHI Fisheries services.

               18 kmph   35kmph     60 kmph    80 kmph                   3.   MATERIAL AND METHOD
                                                               We  studied  three  popular  modes  of  the  ICT  techniques
                                                                  1.  Wireless (VHF) Transceivers (Walkie-talkie)
             Figure 2. mKRISHI Fisheries service with PFZ, Wind   2.  Satellite  based  (Satellite  phones  and  Direct  To
                      Speed and Wave height services                 Home (DTH))

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