ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Secretary-General's Corner: Speeches


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Partner2Connect Annual Meeting
Geneva, Switzerland  30 January 2025

Doreen Bogdan-Martin
Secretary-General, International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
Opening remarks at the
Partner2Connect Annual Meeting at ITU Headquarters

[As prepared for delivery]

Hello Partner2Connect community!

I'm honored to welcome you to ITU today, and thank those joining us virtually, too.

This room is positively buzzing with a collective will to make meaningful connectivity a reality for everyone, everywhere. I can feel it!

I am especially honoured to welcome Rabab Fatima, Under-Secretary-General of UN-OHRLLS (The United Nations Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States).

For LDCs (least-developed countries), landlocked countries, and small island developing states, digital is an unmissable opportunity to drive economic growth, innovation, and resilience.

This Annual Meeting is special for another reason.

ITU is celebrating its 160th anniversary this year — a milestone that invites us to reflect on the value of partnership, and on our legacy of connecting the world.

From coordinating radio spectrum to setting technical standards, ITU has always been about putting technology at the service of humanity.

Today, we honour that legacy through the Partner2Connect Digital Coalition.

Just last week, I was at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, where global leaders grappled with the world's most pressing and persistent challenges.

The global digital divide is one of them: One third of humanity is still offline; the digital gender gap persists, with 89 million more men than women online, and is widening in least developed countries. And mobile Internet remains 14 times more expensive in Africa than in Europe.

These statistics represent lives, potential, and dreams unrealized.

What gives me hope, though, is the tremendous progress we've made together: over 54 billion US dollars in pledges mobilized to date; securing 1.05 billion USD in new commitments, with 1 billion coming from the Global South—a powerful example of regional leadership.

That's why Partner2Connect is so vital — beyond dialogue, this community knows how to transform bold ideas into impactful solutions.

But ladies and gentlemen, our work is far from over.

If 2024 has shown us anything, it's that collaboration isn't just a nice-to-have — it's the only way to build a sustainable and inclusive digital future.

Real progress depends on collaboration—across borders, industries, and communities.

That spirit of collaboration is reflected in today's programme: We'll hear from our BDT (Telecommunication Development Bureau) Director on pledge implementation progress. Leaders from government and the private sector will present new pledges and partnerships, focusing on key ITU-led initiatives, including: Green Digital Action connecting sustainability with meaningful connectivity; AI for Good: tackling the global skills gap through the AI Skills Coalition; and WSIS, driving inclusivity through multistakeholder innovation and partnership.

As we close the chapter on 2024 and look to 2025, remember that while the challenges we face are immense, so is our collective power.

The transformative potential of meaningful connectivity is limitless when fueled by changemakers united by a shared purpose.

Thank you for being here, for your ideas, and for your unwavering commitment to a digital future that leaves no one behind.

Together, as OneITU, we can achieve the extraordinary.

Let's get started!