All papers are single-blind peer reviewed. Each paper is assigned to at least three reviewers. At least two favorable reviews out of three are required for a paper to be considered for publication. The reviewers evaluate the papers according to the following criteria:
Does the paper reflect excellence of research work? Is it technically sound?
Does the paper provide a novel approach? Does it discuss new/unpublished work? Does it contain significant additional material to that already published? (For research articles only, not applicable for review articles, tutorials and case studies)
Does the paper clearly communicate its message? Are tables and graphics clear to read and labeled appropriately?
How well does the content fit the ITU Journal’s objectives (interdisciplinarity, bridge between theory and application, international dialogue) and the issue’s theme? Is the paper of interest to the readership of the ITU Journal? |
Does the paper contain the appropriate referencing to provide adequate context for the present work?
Summary of evaluation
What is the global evaluation for this paper?
Overall recommendation
Is the overall recommendation for this paper to "accept" (with minor or major revisions) or to "reject"?
Reviewer familiarity
Reviewers are assigned based on their familiarity with topic of the paper.
All papers submitted for review are also scanned for plagiarism. Those papers where plagiarism is detected will not be considered for publication.