ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

ICT Services


Internet Access


Wi-Fi access is available ​throughout the ITU premises. The configuration parameters are as follows:

Select the SSID “ITUwifi”, which is designed for equipment that supports the latest Wi-Fi features. If “ITUwifi” is not visible or there’re connectivity issues using it, select “ITUwifi-legacy” instead. Terms of Use​

Read more about ITU wireless LAN

IT Support

Delegates can refer to the Service Desk for IT support. It is located in the Montbrillant building, office M-05 ​. Office hours: 8:30 - 12:00 and 13:30-17:00

For major ITU events held at the CICG, a Service Desk for IT support might also be installed on-site and would usually be located at CICG level -1. Please refer to the specific information provided for the event.


Service Desk can also be reached at the extension 6666 and via the email address

Contact Service Desk 

TIES account and services


TIES (Telecommunication Information Exchange Services) is a set of networked information resources provided as a support to all delegates without any charge.


A TIES account is required to access most conference, assembly and meeting documents.

Access to PCs and Printers


PCs with multilingual keyboard support are available to delegates at the Cybercafés located in the Tower building (2nd basement) and in the Montbrillant building (ground and first floors).

​For major ITU events held at the CICG, a Cybercafé​s might also be installed on-site and would usually be located at CICG level -1. Please refer to the specific information provided for the event.

Participants can print without installing a printer by including the document in an email and sending it to the e-print address on the printer's label.


Remote Participation


If your meeting is offered with remote participation services, you will be able to choose whether to attend physically or remotely. This choice will be provided during the meeting registration period.

Read more abou​t Remote Participation​