ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Ad Hoc Group of the CWG-FHR on the ITU Regional Presence Review


During the twelfth meeting of CWG-FHR held virtually on 25 and 26 January 2021, it was agreed to create an ad Hoc Group on Regional Presence Review (see final report of CWG-FHR - Document CWG-FHR-12\17).

After consultation between the delegates, the CWG-FHR meeting approved the following mandate and composition of the Ad Hoc Group on Regional Presence Review.​​​​


The Ad Hoc Group of the CWG-FHR on the ITU Regional Presence Review is convened to:

  1. Review and analyze the recommendations of the PWC Report presented by the Secretary-General in Document C20/74.
  2. Consider and take into account proposals of the ITU Member States and the comments of the secretariat including those from Radiocommunication, Standardization and Development Bureaus concerning the improvement of the organization and the effectiveness of the regional presence of the Union in order to develop, use and promote the availability of telecommunications/ICTs worldwide and, in particular in developing countries, within the framework/format of One ITU.
  3. Analyze the possible financial implications of various options for optimizing the structure of the ITU regional presence.
  4. Prepare and submit recommendations to the next CWG-FHR scheduled to be May 2021 related to optimization of the structure and methods/approaches to increase the efficiency of the regional presence.

Composition and Work methods

​​The Ad-Hoc Group is chaired by Stella Erebor, Nigeria with six (6) Vice Chairs of CWG-FHR:

- ​​Ms Seynabou Seck Cisse (Senegal)
- Ms Xian Persaud (Bahamas) ​​
- Mr Mohamed S. Ali Al Muathen​ Al Mazroei (UAE)
- Ms Archana Goyal Gulati (India)​​​
Ms D.V. Kalyuga (Russian Federation)
​Mr Vilem Vesely (Czech Republic)

First meeting (virtual)

23 March 2021, 1200-1500 hours (Interprefy platform)

Online registration​ (valid for all meetings)
Draft agenda​
Template for contributions​
Webcast​ archive​

Second meeting (virtual)

20 April 2021, 1200-1500 hours (Interprefy platform)​

​​​Invitation (valid for all meetings)
Online registration​​ (valid for all meetings)
Draft agenda
link to the Interprefy platform for registered participants​ (click on "restricted virtual events")​

Online registration

Click here to ​register to the ad hoc group meeting (open to Member States and Sector Members).