The 2024 Session of the Council, through its
Decision 641 (C24), decided that the Secretary-General shall convene
a balanced, informal group of experts (IEG-WTPF-26), each of whom is active in preparing for WTPF-26; in his/her own country, to assist with the development of the report by the Secretary-General to WTPF-26.
Member States, Sector Members, Associates, and Academia of ITU, as well as the State of Palestine and Organizations that have the right to attend ITU Conferences and meetings as observers, are invited to nominate their experts by sending them contact details to (see Circular Letter CL-24/44).
The theme for WTPF-26 is as follows:
“Accelerating an inclusive, sustainable, resilient, and innovative digital future: In this regard, the WTPF-26 will discuss opportunities, challenges, and policies to address the following:
- bridging digital divides, particularly on gender and age as well as skills and connectivity
- green digital transformation: climate change and environmental sustainability
resilience of telecommunication/ICTs
- space connectivity
- strengthening ICT-centric innovation ecosystems and entrepreneurship."