ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Informal Experts Group

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The 2019 Session of the Council, through its Decision ​611 (Rev. Council 2020), decided that the Secretary-General shall convene a balanced, informal group of experts (IEG-WTPF-21), each of whom is active in preparing for WTPF-21 in his/her own country, to assist with the development of the report by the Secretary-General to WTPF-21​. Following the second virtual consultation of councillors​ in November 2020, a decision was taken by correspondence to amend the dates of the WTPF-21 due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Council Decision 611 (Rev. Council 2020) was revised accordingly.​​

Member States, Sector Members, Associates, and Academia of ITU, as well as the State of Palestine and Organizations which have the right to attend ITU Conferences and meetings as observers, were invited to​ nominate their experts by sending their following contact details to​​ by 21 August 2019: 

​​List of nominate​d experts​ (updated on 15​ November​ 2021)​

Seventh meeting of IEG-WTPF-​21 ​(Virtual meeting,  15-17 November):​​
Sixth meeting of IEG-WTPF-​21 ​(Virtual meeting,  24, 27, ​28​ Sept. ​2021, 1200-1500 hours):​
Fifth meeting of IEG-WTPF-21 (Virtual meeting, 31 May to 2​​ June 2021​):
Fourth meeting of IEG-WTPF-21 (Virtual meeting, 1-2 February 2021):

Previous meetings​