ITU's 160 anniversary

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Council Working Group for strategic and financial plans 2024-2027



The Council Working Group (CWG-SFP), created by Council Resolution 1404 aims to develop the draft Strategic and Financial Plans for consideration by the 2022 Session ​of the Council and presentation by Council to PP-22.

The Working Group, open to Member States and, when addressing the draft Strategic Plan, also to Sector Members​, has the following terms of refer​ence:

a) to identify, with the assistance of the Secretary-General and the Directors of the Bureaux, sources of information to be used in the development of the draft Plans;
b) to develop draft Strategic and Financial Plans for presentation to the 2022 session of the Council;
c) to post on the PP-22 website a coordinated draft new Strategic Plan four months before the Plenipotentiary Conference;
d) to continue its discussions, if necessary, on the Financial Plan until the extraordinary session of the Council prior to the PP-22;
e) to closely coordinate with other Council Working Groups and Sector advisory groups which may work on items related to the draft Strategic and Financial Plans.


Continuation of the fourth meeting of the CWG-SFP: Thursday, 2​4 March
Webcast live / archives (Ties protected)​​
- Access to the restricted virtual room for remote parti​cipation (for registered Council-22 participants only)

The first part of the fourth meeting of the CWG-SFP was held on Sunday, 20 March 2022.
Draft agenda (for the first and the second part of the meeting)
Temporary documents (DTs)​ (for the first and the second part of the meeting)
documents (fourth meeting only)
Information documents (fourth meeting only)


The Joint​ meeting of the CWG-SFP and CWG-FHR was held on Sunday, 20 March 2022, click here for details!

The third meeting was held on 21-22 February 2022
The second meeting was held on 13-14 January 2022
Archived webcast​ (TIES protected)​

A virtual consultation was held on 2-3 November 2021
Webcast arch​​ives (TIES protected)
The first meeting was held on 29-30 September 2021
Webcast arch​​ives (TIES protected)