The Council Working Group (CWG-SFP), created by Council Resolution 1404 aims to develop the draft Strategic and Financial Plans for consideration by the 2022 Session of the Council and presentation by Council to PP-22.
The Working Group, open to Member States and, when addressing the draft Strategic Plan, also to Sector Members, has the following terms of reference:
a) to identify, with the assistance of the Secretary-General and the Directors of the Bureaux, sources of information to be used in the development of the draft Plans;
b) to develop draft Strategic and Financial Plans for presentation to the 2022 session of the Council;
c) to post on the PP-22 website a coordinated draft new Strategic Plan four months before the Plenipotentiary Conference;
d) to continue its discussions, if necessary, on the Financial Plan until the extraordinary session of the Council prior to the PP-22;
e) to closely coordinate with other Council Working Groups and Sector advisory groups which may work on items related to the draft Strategic and Financial Plans.