Committed to connecting the world

Objective T.4

​​​​​​​​T.4: Foster the acquisition and sharing of knowledge and know-how on the standardization activities of ITU-T

T.4-1: Increased knowledge on ITU-T standards and on best practices in their implementation of ITU-T standards.
​​T.4-2: Increased participation in ITU-T's standardization activities and increased awareness of the relevance of ITU-T standards.
T.4-3: Increased Sector visibility.​
T.4-1 ITU-T publications.
T.4-2 Database publications.
​T.4-3 Outreach and promotion ​
T.4-4 ITU Operational Bulletin

Progress achieved
See the relevant indicators under Objectives T.1 and T.2.

T.4-1 ITU-T publications

Over 10,000 pages of ITU-T Recommendations and Supplements are published each year, as well as Technical Papers, Technical Reports, Operational Bulletins and Focus Group deliverables. 2016 saw the production of the most ITU-T standards over the period from year 2000 to 2016.

The figure below illustrates the number of texts produced since 2000 (as of 20 September 2016).

The ITU-T Focus Group on networking aspects of IMT-2020 (5G) concluded its preliminary study into the networking innovations required to achieve the ambitious performance targets of smart 5G systems. The group's output takes the form of five draft ITU international standards and four draft ITU technical reports to drive related work in ITU-T Study Groups. Read the full press release here[72]

The ITU-T Focus Group on Digital Financial Services delivered 17 thematic reports and is in the process of finalizing a further 10. The reports support some 80 policy recommendations establishing guiding principles to assist the pursuit of digital financial inclusion at the national level. These reports and recommendations can be found on the Focus Group's homepage. Read the full press release here[73]

T.4-2 Database publications​

Among the numerous databases which are continuously enhanced to serve ITU-T delegates and secretariat staff are: ITU-T Recommendations; International Numbering Resources; ITU Product Conformity Database; ITU-T Patents and  Software Copyrights; ITU-T Formal descriptions and Object identifiers; ITU-T Test Signals; ITU-T Work Programme; ITU-T Liaison Statements; ITU-T Terms & Definitions

In order to help the ITU-T community to follow up with the latest services and tool enhancements, a new service announcements platform is now available at

Unique and persistent identifiers based on the Digital Object Architecture (DOA) are now available for items registered in the following ITU-T databases: ITU-T Recommendations; ITU-T Conformity Statements; ITU-T Patents and Software Copyrights; ITU-T Formal descriptions and Object identifiers; ITU-T Test Signals; and ITU-T Liaison Statements. These persistent identifiers will enable new features such as digital signature-based data integrity checks, role-based information management, data privacy, and other advanced information management capabilities. [74]

T.4-3 Outreach and promotion

Communications on ITU standardization
ITU press releases distribute news on ITU work of particular interest to media. Press releases are distributed with supplemental notes to technical editors in certain cases, a return to past practice valued by media outlets covering standardization. ITU-wide newslog pages are well visited and often spur media attention. The ITU blog (called "itu4u") was introduced in 2012 to carry bylined 'opinion' pieces and TSB/ITU-T remains a highly active contributor of content to this platform. The consistent output of ITU-T news content, coupled with a coordinated social media strategy led by the ITU General Secretariat, continues to see news of ITU-T's work feature in a variety of mainstream publications. A scoop page highlights a selection of the news coverage of ITU-T.

ITU-T standardization topics receiving the highest levels of worldwide coverage include:
  • The ITU-T H.265 "HEVC" video codec
  • broadband access, the implementation of which is the subject of sustained media attention
  • The work of the ITU-T Focus Group on IMT-2020 (5G) and ITU-T Focus Group on Digital Financial Services 
  • NG-PON2 40-Gigabit-capable passive optical networks
  • XGS-PON 10-Gigabit-capable symmetric passive optical networks
  • OTN Beyond 100G, the 5th edition of Recommendation ITU-T G.709/Y.1331 "Interfaces for the Optical Transport Network"
A new video clip "ITU Standardization – the technical foundations of the information society" was released on 24 May 2016 and has since received over 3000 views. The video was sponsored by NTT and KT (see

CCITT/ITU-T 60th anniversary [75]
2016 marks 60 years since the 1956 establishment of the International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee (CCITT), the precursor to ITU-T, established in 1992. The 60th anniversary of CCITT/ITU-T celebrates the many experts that contribute their time and expertise to the development of the ITU standards that bring cohesion to the unceasing innovation of the ICT community. To celebrate the CCITT/ITU-T 60th Anniversary, a series of talks were held during the WTSA-16 Plenary sessions on Wednesday, 26 October, including Talks on Digital Financial Services, and Talks on Artificial Intelligence. On the evening of 26 October a Gala reception was kindly sponsored by UAE (Gold), South Korea (Silver), and Rohde & Schwarz (Bronze).

T.4-4 ITU Operational Bulletin

Notifications of national numbering/identification plan update and assignment or reclamation of national numbering/identification resources were received and published in the ITU Operational Bulletin, which is published in the six official languages twice a month. [76]
[72] WTSA Res. 92; WSIS AL C2; SDG Targets 9.1, 9.C, 17.6
[73] WTSA Res. 89; WSIS AL C2, C3, C4; SDG Targets 1.4, 5.A, 8.10, 9.3, 10.3, 10.5, 10.B, 17.6
[74] WTSA Res. 32; WSIS AL C5; SDG Targets 9.1, 17.6
[75] WSIS AL C11; SDG Target 17.7​
[76] WTSA Res. 20; WSIS AL C3, C11; SDG Target 17.6