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ITU Governing Bodies Activities

ITU Council

The 2016 session of the Council was held 25 May – 2 June 2016. Ms Julie ZOLLER (USA) presided as Chair and Ms Eva SPINA (Italy) was Vice-chair. Mr Kirill OPARIN (Russian Federation) served as Chair of the Standing Committee on Administration and Management (SC-ADM), and Ms Vernita HARRIS (USA) and Mr Abdourhamane TOURE (Mali) were Vice-chairs of SC-ADM.

The work of the Council was ably guided by the two efficient Chairs, adopting 20 formal texts, including six new resolutions, three modified resolutions, nine new decisions and two modified decisions. The C16 agenda (C16/1(Rev.1)) and related documentation, along with summary records and complete texts of resolutions and decisions, can be found on the Council website at:

Proposed dates for the 2018, 2019, and 2020 Council sessions can be found in document C17/2.​

​Council Working Groups (CWGs)

Two clusters of CWGs (including the Expert Group on ITRs) were held in the reporting period: one in October 2016 and one in January/February 2017. These groups reviewed tasks mandated to them by the Council; the discussions and summaries can be found in the Chairmen reports as follows: CWG-WSIS, C17/8; CWG-Internet, C17/51; CWG-COP, C17/15; CWG-Languages, C17/12; CWG-HQP, C17/7; CWG-FHR, C17/50; EG-ITRs, C17/26. Full information on each CWG can be found here:​​