The voice of youth is important. The youth have the energy, creativity, knowledge, and passion to drive positive change and contribute to the achievement of the SDGs.
PP Resolution 198 (REV. BUCHAREST, 2022) "Empowerment of youth through telecommunication/ information and communication technology" recognizes the ITU Youth Strategy, as the operational framework for strengthening ITU's capacities in engaging and empowering youth through ICTs.The strategy aims to be fit-for-purpose and to reduce the youth digital divide.
ITU is also strengthening its efforts to promote and empower young people in its work and is currently working on several initiatives to ensure that youth perspectives are incorporated in ITU’s work, such as an internship programme, engagement/partnership with Academia to support youth through "university programmes", a young professionals programme (YPP), junior professional officers (JPOs) and many other initiatives.
There have been numerous activities which have supported participation and engagement of young people in ITU events and conferences, such as Generation Connect, Kaleidoscope conference, WSIS Generation Connect Youth Prize, GC-EUR Digital Jam, EQUALS and many more.