The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) organized a series of Webinars and Workshops on combating counterfeiting and stolen ICT devices. The
Episode 2: “Global approaches on combating counterfeiting of telecommunication/ICT devices and mobile device theft”, that took place on
13 October 2023 from 9h30 to 17h30 CEST at the ITU headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. Remote connection was provided for this event.
The workshop was collocated with the
ITU-T Study Group 11 meeting taking place at the same venue from 10 to 20 October 2023.
Counterfeiting of ICT devices poses a severe threat to the global economy, consumer safety, and the integrity of critical infrastructures. Fake ICT devices, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and networking equipment, not only undermine the revenues of legitimate manufacturers but also expose end-users to numerous risks such as compromised security, data breaches, and substandard performance. Tackling this problem requires a coordinated effort from international organizations to establish effective policies, share information, and implement robust measures to deter and eradicate counterfeiting practices.
Resolution 188 PP-22, invites Member States to work in close collaboration with relevant stakeholders and, in particular with international organizations such as WTO, WIPO and WCO, on activities relating to combating counterfeit and tampered telecommunication/ICT devices, including restricting the trading, export/import and circulation of these telecommunication/ICT devices internationally.
In addition,
Resolution 189 PP-22, invites Member States to adopt measures to exchange information on the unique identifiers of mobile telecommunication/ICT devices reported as stolen or lost in other countries and regions, taking necessary actions to protect users' data, taking into account national and regional legal frameworks, and measures to block the use of these devices in their mobile networks.
This workshop played a significant role in bringing together different key stakeholders including representatives of various international organizations to address the growing concern of counterfeiting in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) devices, as well as theft of mobile devices. The workshop provided a platform for fruitful discussions, knowledge exchange, and the development of implementable recommendations to enhance the global response to the counterfeit ICT devices menace and mobile device theft.
As expected, participants gained valuable insights and devised practical strategies to collectively combat counterfeiting of ICT devices and mobile device theft, thus safeguarding the interests of consumers, supporting legitimate businesses, and ensuring a secure and trustworthy ICT ecosystem.
This workshop aimed at providing a platform for exchanging views among all stakeholders and international organizations on the potential way forward to stop the spreading and circulation of counterfeit ICT devices in the world, as well as, stopping the circulation of stolen mobile devices. It also provided an opportunity to discuss the potential direction for collaboration between the ITU and other international organizations on these subject matters.
The workshop agenda encompassed a comprehensive range of topics related to combating counterfeit Telecommunication/ICT devices and mobile device theft. The invited speakers provided an overview of the ongoing activities, shared case studies, and participated in panel discussions. Key areas of focus were:
Understanding the global impact of counterfeiting and stolen mobile devices on the Telecommunication/ICT industry and its implications
for economies and consumers;
- Analyzing the latest trends and techniques employed by counterfeiters, including the exploitation of digital platforms;
- Providing an overview of the existing state of the art on mobile device theft and the current key challenges various stakeholders face.
- Highlighting the risks associated with counterfeit Telecommunication/ICT devices, such as compromised security, intellectual property infringement, risk of data breaches and potential threats to critical infrastructure;
- Summarizing the key challenges and negative impacts faced by different stakeholders in the spread and circulation of counterfeit Telecommunication/ICT devices and tampered telecommunication/ICT software;
- Showcasing successful initiatives, best practices, and innovative technologies in combating counterfeiting and promoting the use of genuine Telecommunication/ICT devices;
- Sharing information and experiences about measures related to tampering (unauthorized changing) of unique mobile telecommunication/ICT device identifiers which may prevent tampered devices from accessing mobile networks;
- Providing an overview of ITU-T standardized approaches and current activities on combating counterfeit Telecommunication/ICT devices;
- Highlighting ongoing activities on combating counterfeiting and Intellectual Property (IP) enforcement in different international organizations;
- Exploring effective strategies to strengthen international collaboration among international organizations.
Participation in the Workshop was open to ITU Member States, Sector Members, Associates and Academic Institutions and to any individual from a country that is a member of ITU, who wishes to contribute to the work. This includes individuals who are also members of international, regional and national organizations, interested stakeholders, including telecom operators, regulators, SDOs and financial institutes. Participation in the Workshop was free of charge and no fellowships were granted. The Workshop was held in Geneva during ITU-T SG11 meeting. The working language was English only.
Watch recording here
09:40 - 11:10
Session 1: Implications of counterfeit Telecommunication/ICT devices/software for economies and consumers and the international fight against counterfeiting
Objectives: The session aims to provide an overview of the global impact of counterfeit telecommunication/ICT devices and its effects on both economies and consumers. Additionally, international organizations will shed light on the Intellectual Property (IP) enforcement and their ongoing activities to combat counterfeiting.
J. Todd Reves, Director, Building Respect for IP Division, Global Challenges and Partnerships Sector, WIPO: "WIPO’s Work in the Area of Combating Counterfeit Goods" [Presentation]
- Wolf Meier-Ewert, Counsellor, Intellectual Property, Government Procurement and Competition Division, WTO & Anna Caroline Müller, Legal Affairs Officer, Intellectual Property, Government Procurement and Competition Division, WTO:
"Combating counterfeiting of telecommunication/ICT devices – WTO rules and perspectives" [Presentation]
Piotr Stryszowski, Senior project manager, Trade Directorate, OECD:
"Fake ICT devices - evidence from recent trends"
Joao Alexandre Moncaio Zanon,ITU-T SG11 vice-chairman, WP4/11 Chairman:"High-level overview of ITU activities and tasks on combating counterfeiting and stolen ICT devices" [Presentation]
Q/A |
11:10 - 11:40
Coffee Break
11:40 - 13:00
Session 2: Exploring challenges posed by counterfeit and tampered telecommunication/ICT devices and software
Objectives: The session aims to provide an insightful overview of the challenges encountered by relevant stakeholders when dealing with counterfeit and tampered telecommunication/ICT devices and software.
Moderator: Biren Karmakar, C-DOT, India
- Evgeny Zababurin, SC.Soft, Kazakhstan:
"Techniques used by fraudsters to bypass the systems of control and registration" [Presentation]
Sonjoy Chakraborty, Vice President of Robi, Bangladesh:
"Impact of Counterfeiting on Telecom Business" [Presentation]
Fernando Hernandez, URSEC, Uruguay:" Actions to combat “piracy” & IP violation of audiovisual content" [Presentation]
Samuel Bartels, Scancom PLC, MTN Ghana:
"The dynamics of high demand for low-cost devices and the fight against counterfeiting in Ghana" [Presentation]
Mohammad Raheel Kamal, Technokratik Corporation, US:
"Addressing Challenges Posed by Counterfeit and Tampered Mobile Devices" [Presentation]
13:00 - 14:30
14:30 - 15:40
Session 3: Global impact of stolen mobile devices on the telecommunication/ICT industry
Objectives: The session focuses on the global impact of stolen mobile devices on the telecommunication/ICT industry. It will provide an overview of the current landscape of mobile device theft, with emphasis on the key challenges faced by the various stakeholders. Additionally, the session will share valuable insights and experiences on measures to address the tampering of unique mobile telecommunication/ICT device identifiers with the aim of preventing tampered and stolen devices from accessing mobile networks.
Moderator: Kofi Ntim Yeboah-Kordieh, NCA, Ghana
Q/A |
15:40 - 16:10
| Coffee Break
16:10 - 17:10
Session 4: Sharing ITU activities, best practices and innovative technologies to be used for combating counterfeiting and stolen ICT devices
Objectives: The session provides a comprehensive overview of ITU activities, best practices, and cutting-edge technologies which are pivotal in the combat against counterfeiting and stolen ICT devices. Additionally, the session will share experiences on the implementation of ITU-T standardized approaches to be used to address these issues.
Moderator: Denis Andreev ITU/TSB, Advisor of ITU-T SG11
17:10 - 17:30
Panel Discussion:
The session runs an open discussion among panelists and all participants. The session will explore various topics including effective strategies to strengthen and enhance international collaboration among different international organizations on addressing these crucial matters.