ITU-T SG11 is a lead Study Group on combating counterfeiting and tampering of ICT devices, as well as on combating the use of stolen ICT devices. Particularly, Question 15 of ITU-T Study Group 11 (Q15/11) "Combating counterfeit and stolen telecommunication/ICT devices and their software" is addressing the growing problem of counterfeited telecommunication/ICT products and devices, which is adversely affecting all stakeholders in the ICT field (vendors, governments, operators and consumers).
Cooperation among ITU T study groups, between ITU-T and ITU-D as well as with external bodies outside the ITU (in particular with SDOs), will be required to gather a complete information in this regard. Q15/11 welcomes contributions to progress standardization in these fields.
For any further information, contact ITU-T SG11 Secretariat at
The ongoing work is highlighted in the SG11 Work programme accordingly, see here.