Terms of Reference of all TSAG Rapporteur Groups
TSAG Rapporteur Group on Strengthening Collaboration
1. This Rapporteur Group is to examine existing methods and approaches to collaboration and/or cooperation with other standards organizations, with the view to encouraging ITU-T and other SDOs to work more collaboratively and/or cooperatively in a reciprocal manner based on mutual respect
2. The Rapporteur Group shall, through TSAG, develop synergies with the objective of strengthening collaboration between ITU-T and other standards bodies.
3. Review the following base documents taking into account the relevant instructs of WTSA-12:
4. Review existing in place models for collaboration between ITU-T and other standards bodies and propose improvements to TSAG. Notably these are:
Recommendation ITU-T A.23 –
Guide for ITU-T and ISO/IEC JTC1 cooperation;
Recommendation ITU-T A.25 -
Generic procedures for incorporating text between ITU-T and other organisations;
A Suppl. 3 –
IETF and ITU-T collaboration guidelines;
A. Suppl. 5 -
Generic procedures for including references to documents of other organisations in ITU-T Recommendations;
WTSA-16 Resolution 7 –
Collaboration with the International Organization for Standardization and the International Electrotechnical Commission; and
WTSA-16 Resolution 11 -
Collaboration with the Postal Operations Council of the Universal Postal Union in the study of services concerning both the postal and the telecommunication sectors.
TSAG Report 1, Annex A.4, 1-4 May 2017 ] [
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TSAG Rapporteur Group on Strategic and Operational Plan
Terms of Reference: To provide appropriate input for consideration of the Council Working Group for the elaboration of the draft strategic plan.
TSAG Report 1, Annex A.5, 1-4 May 2017 ] [
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TSAG Rapporteur Group on Working Methods
1. To solicit comments from all categories of members on the existing working methods (including electronic working methods but excluding collaboration and cooperation with other standards organizations).
2. To examine the existing working methods described in
WTSA-16 Resolution 1 - Rules of procedure of the ITU Telecommincation Standardization Sector and in the relevant ITU-T A-series Recommendations (Organization of the work of ITU-T), especially the following Recommendations:
and propose to TSAG any changes (excluding collaboration and cooperation with other standards organizations) for the improvement of those working methods, with an eye towards presenting those proposals to WTSA-20.
3. To propose to TSAG a draft set of best practices for handling remote participation to ITU T meetings, taking into account PP10 Resolution 167 and the relevant decisions of the ITU Council, and liaising if necessary with RAG and TDAG.
4. The Rapporteur Group shall operate in English.
5. The meetings of the Rapporteur Group shall be paperless and shall make use of electronic working methods.
6. The Rapporteur Group will normally not meet at the same time as another rapporteur group.
7. The Rapporteur Group shall meet during TSAG and, if necessary, shall schedule additional meetings between TSAG meetings. Those additional meetings should normally be held electronically. If necessary, the Rapporteur Group may schedule a face to face meeting which shall not exceed three working days or other Rapporteur Group meetings as much as possible.
TSAG Report 1, Annex A.3, 1-4 May 2017 ] [
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TSAG Rapporteur Group on Work Programme and Study Group Structure
a) To consider issues related to work programme and study group structure for 2017-2020 study period.
b) The TSAG Rapporteur Group on work programme and study group structure is tasked to develop the detailed study group structure for the 2021-2024 study period.
Based on the inputs from the study groups and proposals from the membership, and based on the restructuring principles, the Rapporteur Group develops a report and proposal(s) to be submitted by TSAG to WTSA-20 on study group responsibilities, mandates and allocation of work to be defined in WTSA Resolution 2.
The Rapporteur Group also develops a draft text of WTSA Resolution 2.
TSAG Report 1, Annex A.3, 1-4 May 2017 ] [Back to top]
TSAG Rapporteur Group on Standardization Strategy
General In order to address the need for a strategic coordination function under the ITU-T, a function of standardization strategy is established as follows:
a. The creation of a Rapporteur Group of TSAG, to be named the "Rapporteur Group on Standardization Strategy" (RG-StdsStrat). The RG-StdsStrat will serve to provide TSAG with strategic information, for TSAG's consideration in advising the sector on strategic actions.
b. The new TSAG RG-StdsStrat should attract intensive industry participation in order to take account of latest technical trends and market needs.
c. CTO meetings could assist the RG-StdsStrat group in addressing strategic issues for the ITU-T Sector, and bring into the debates the views from the industry, as industry is the main component of ITU-T activities in the technical work. In practice, RG-StdsStrat could analyse the industry and markets trends, identifyfuture standardization directions and accordingly suggest new topics for TSAG to consider on behalf of ITU-T bearing in mind the need for cooperation with other SDOs and the scarce resources of ITU-T and its membership to propose new topics for study.
d. RG-StdsStrat could liaise with relevant groups in other SDOs, as appropriate,
inter alia to identify their relevant work.
e. RG-StdsStrat should meet frequently enough to address the rapid technological and market developments.
f. Discussions in RG-StdsStrat on procedural matters should be minimized.
g. RG-StdsStrat discussions should be focused on the substance of potential standardization topics of potential interest to ITU-T.
h. This group should solicit and consider a wide range of inputs including, but not limited to, consultations, invited experts, etc., in order to address industry needs and emerging strategic topics.
Terms of Reference The terms of reference for this Rapporteur Group are as follows, keeping in mind the objectives of the ITU-T Strategic Plan (Resolution 71, Busan, 2014):
a. Advise TSAG and inform SGs on potential standardisation strategies for the Sector by identifying the main technological trends, and market, economic and policy needs in the ITU-T's fields of activity. This may include, for example, conducting informal gap analysis, industry consultations dialogue and market enquiries, taking into account input and feedback from relevant groups inside ITU-T (such as the CTO group and Technology Watch) and outside ITU-T. RG-StdsStrat outcomes will not direct work of the study groups. RG-StdsStrat will:
b. Attract intensive industry participation in order to take account of latest technical trends and market needs.
c. RG-StdsStrat is open to participation from all ITU-T members. At the discretion of the management team of the Rapporteur Group, individual experts may be invited to join the meetings.
d. The TSB Director is invited to play an active consultative or informativerole in the RG, and in particular to provide the output of Technology Watch as instructed by WTSA Res. 66 (rev. Dubai, 2016) and of the chief technology officer (CTO) meetings that are organised in accordance with WTSA Res. 68 (Rev. Dubai, 2016).
RG-StdsStrat shall use e-meetings and/or collocate with existing meetings as much as possible.
TSAG Report 2, Annex C, 26 February-2 March 2018 ] [Back to top]
TSAG Rapporteur Group on the review of WTSA Resolutions
The TSAG Rapporteur Group on the review of WTSA Resolutions (RG-ResReview) is established:
- To review existing World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA) Resolutions with a view to streamlining them, taking into account the Resolutions in Plenipotentiary Conference and other Sectors as appropriate.
- To examine the WTSA Resolutions with a view to avoid repetitions and duplication with the Resolutions in Plenipotentiary Conference.
- The Rapporteur Group is open to all ITU-T membership.
- The Rapporteur Group shall operate in English.
- The meetings of the Rapporteur Group shall be paperless and shall make use of electronic working methods.
- The Rapporteur Group shall meet during TSAG and will normally not meet at the same time as another Rapporteur Group.
- The Rapporteur Group, if necessary, should schedule additional meetings between TSAG meetings. Those additional meetings should normally be held electronically. If necessary, the Rapporteur Group may schedule a face to face meeting which shall not exceed three working days and which should be collocated back to back with other Rapporteur Group meetings as much as possible.
- Periodic progress reports will be submitted to TSAG by its chairman as deemed appropriate.