ITU's 160 anniversary

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Executive summary of the SG13 meeting

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​SG13: Future networks and emerging network technologies 

Executive summary of the SG13 meeting
15 – 26 July 2024, Geneva, Switzerland

​The​ last SG13 meeting in the 2022–2024 study period was called up by the Collective-letter 8/13 (of 24 April 2024).

The opening remarks were delivered by the TSB Director, Mr Seizo Onoe, at the interim SG13 plenary, who, in particular, said that in SG13 “work programme and results, we see a range of areas where ITU is creating great value. Standards developed by SG13 are helping our stakeholders to navigate new frontiers with greater confidence and certainty. Quantum information technologies and machine learning are prime examples".

This SG13 meeting attracted 339 delegates (204 remote only and 135 present in person), considered 909 documents split as 299 contributions and 610 TDs. List of contributions may be found in TD253/PLEN.

TSB MyMeetings platform for remote participation was used to support each session at this Study Group meeting resulting in 272 sessions in total.

Main meeting results
47 outputs were approved/determined/consented/agreed: a total of 35 new Recommendations and six revised Recommendations were consented, one new Recommendation was approved, two new Recommendations were determined. In addition, two Supplements and one technical report were agreed.

Recommendation approved (Resolution 1 - TAP)

ITU-T Rec. No.


Base text







Deep packet inspection - intelligent management and maintenance of policy information base​

Results of the Member State consultation on approving draft new Recommendation Y.2776 "Deep packet inspection - intelligent management and maintenance of policy information base" is given in TD255/PLEN.

SG13 approved the above-mentioned Recommendation at its interim plenary on 22 July 2024.
TSB circular 229 (dated 9 August 2024) announces the approval.

Recommendations determined (Resolution 1 - TAP)

ITU-T Rec. No.


Base text







Functional architecture of network resource sharing based on distributed ledger technology





Fixed, mobile and satellite convergence - Requirements of supporting airborne broadband communication for IMT-2020 networks and beyond

TSB Circular 238 (dated 7 October 2024) initiates the formal consultation with ITU Member States on consideration for Y.2348 and Y.3211 approvals at the SG13 March 2025 meeting.

Recommendations consented for Last Call (Recommendation A.8 - AAP)​

ITU-T Rec. No.


Base text







Overview of Unmanned Smart Farm based on networks





Requirements of next generation network evolution for support network and c​lou​d interworking





Requirements and framework of distributed software-defined network intelligence capability enhancement based on distributed ledger technology





Requirements and framework of multi-dimensional resource matching of next generation network evolution based on distributed ledger technology





Requirements of next generation network evolution ​(NGNe) to support container-based network entities





Requirements and framework of service aware network for network service provider





Requirements for Integrating Demographics Data for New and Emerging Technologies in Developing Countries





Quality of service assurance requirements and framework for smart healthcare supported by IMT-2020 and beyond





Quantum key distribution networks - Requirements for autonomic quality of service assurance





Requirements and capability of network awareness based on cloud computing





Framework of distributed and virtualized energy storage systems





Assessing trust evaluation models for telecommunication networks





Quantum key distribution network federation - Reference models​





Integration of quantum key distribution network and time-sensitive network - framework





Integration of quantum key distribution network and user network supporting end-to-end modern cryptography services – framework





Integration of quantum key distribution network and secure storage network





Quantum key distribution network interworking - Framework 





Quantum key distribution network interworking - Functional requirements    





Quantum key distribution network interworking - Requirements for quality of service assurance    





Quantum key distribution network interworking - Architecture    





Quantum key distribution network Interworking - Software defined networking control    





Cloud computing – Functional requirements of edge cloud





Cloud Computing - Distributed Cloud Functional Architecture





Cloud Computing - Functional framework of Platform as a Service management for cloud native applications





Coordination of networking and computing in IMT-2020 networks and beyond - Capability framework





Future networks including IMT-2020 - Requirements and functional architecture of distributed core network





Architectural framework for Machine Learning Function Orchestrator in future networks including IMT-2020





Network accelerating for edge computing in IMT-2020 networks and beyond





Requirement of joint development and operation for IMT-2020 networks and beyond





Digital twin for management and orchestration in IMT-2020 networks and beyond





Information-centric networking in networks beyond IMT-2020 - Requirements and functional framework to support immersive live experience services





Information-centric networking in networks beyond IMT-2020 - Requirements and functional framework enhancement to support deterministic communication services





Information-centric networking in networks beyond IMT-2020 - Requirements and functional framework enhancement to support machine learning





Fixed, mobile and satellite convergence - Session management with satellite backhaul for IMT-2020 networks and beyond





Fixed, mobile and satellite convergence - Traffic scheduling for IMT-2020 networks and beyond





Fixed, mobile and satellite convergence - Distributed ledger technology for IMT-2020 networks and beyond





Fixed, mobile and satellite convergence - Requirements of supporting High Altitude Platform for IMT-2020 networks and beyond





Fixed, mobile and satellite convergence - Policy control for IMT-2020 networks and beyond





Fixed, mobile and satellite convergence - Service function chain (SFC) for IMT-2020 networks and beyond





Fixed, mobile and satellite convergence - Requirements of network sharing for IMT-2020 networks and beyond





Fixed, mobile and satellite convergence - Distributed core network for IMT-2020 networks and beyond

The AAP Last Call started on 16 August 2024 for each of the 41 consented Recommendations listed above.​

Supplements agreed to (Recommendation A.13)

ITU-T Doc. No.


Base text



Supplement 84 to Y.3050-series




Standardization roadmap on trustworthy networking and services

Supplement 59 to ITU-T Y.3100-series




IMT-2020 and beyond standardization roadmap

Technical Report agreed to (Recommendation A.13)

ITU-T Doc. No.


Base text



Technical Report
First Edition (22 July 2024)

SG13 CG-datasets



Datasets standardization approaches for datasets applicable for AI/ML in networks

Questionnaire agreed for dissemination

ITU-T Doc. No.


Base text



(26 July 2024)




Migrating existing mobile network technologies to IMT-2020 and beyond

Important decisions (apart of Recommendations/Deliverables)
Human Assets​

The meeting agreed to appoint
-  Mr Gao Wei (CICT, China) as Associate Rapporteur for Q22/13 to replace Ms Zhang Jie, who had to step down from this role.
   This appointment happened at the opening SG13 plenary giving Mr Gao Wei an opportunity to support Q22/13 sessions at July meeting
   in his new capacity of Associate Rapporteur.
-  Ms Buse Bilgin (Turkcell) as chair of the FG-AINN.
-  Mr Leon Wong (Rakuten Mobile, Japan), Mr Gyu Myoung Lee (Republic of Korea) and Mr Paul Harvey (University of Glasgow, UK)
   as vice-chairs of the FG-AINN.

Issues left from the March 2024 SG13 meeting 

Establishment of the Focus Group on Artificial Intelligence Native for Telecommunication Networks (FG-AINN)

The idea to start looking at the Artificial Intelligence as applied to the future networks and convene the studies on this topic in a form of the focus group has been discussed by SG13 since October-November 2023 SG13 meeting. That meeting established the correspondence group (CG-AI6G) to look in-depth into the objectives and carefully craft terms of reference for the new focus group on artificial intelligence in IMT-2030 (FG-AI6G) in order for the SG13 to be ready taking a balanced decision on establishment of the new FG at its next meeting. Correspondence group (transformed at March SG13 meeting into the CG on Artificial Intelligence Native for Telecommunication Networks (CG-AINN)) continued its work till July 2024 and presented to the SG13 TD261/PLEN with terms of reference for the new Focus Group on Artificial Intelligence Native for Telecommunication Networks accompanied by TD376/GEN with supporting material, justifying establishment of this FG.

In addition, the meeting received two contributions in support of the new FG-AINN creation. Those are C1190-R1Contribution for creation of a Focus Group on Artificial Intelligence Native for Telecommunication Networks (FG-AINN)" from Ministry of Communications (India), Fraunhofer HHI (Germany), Rakuten Mobile (Japan), Zambia, du, Turkcell, University of Glasgow, Tunisie Telecom, Technology Innovation Institute (UAE) and C1178-R1 from the same entities with almost identical content. Since both documents spoke about the same issue and have pointers to FG Terms of Reference (ToR) and rationale, only one document, C1178-R1, was presented at the meeting to start the discussions on the substance.

So the meeting considered C1178-R1 as well as the draft ToR, developed by the correspondence group (TD261/PLEN). Having addressed the last questions for clarification the meeting agreed the ToR of the Focus Group on Artificial Intelligence Native for Telecommunication Networks (FG-AINN), as elaborated by the CG-AINN and given in TD261/PLEN. In addition to the contributors Iran expressed its support for the new Focus Group.

Support expressed in Contributions to three last meetings (13): Ministry of Communications (India), Fraunhofer HHI (Germany), Rakuten Mobile (Japan), Zambia, du (UAE), Turkcell, University of Glasgow, Tunisie Telecom, Technology Innovation Institute (UAE); Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC), China Telecom.

Requirements of Recommendation ITU-T A.7 were met and the SG13 meeting approved the creation under SG13 of the Focus Group on Artificial Intelligence Native for Telecommunication Networks (FG-AINN) with the ToR as depicted in TD261/PLEN.

The Focus Group will address integration of new AI Native techniques in telecommunication networks, study the relevant AI Native techniques and the validation mechanisms for such techniques to enable AI Native Telecommunication networks.

Having received no objection in consultation process with the other ITU-T SG chairs that the topic falls within the mandate of SG13, the meeting agreed for the SG13 to be the parent group to the new FG-AINN. During the consultation process with SGs chairs SG2, via its chair, provided some comments, that the meeting deferred for detailed consideration at the first meeting of the new FG.

Per its ToR the FG was authorized to start work after WTSA-24 and run for one year starting from the first meeting, with the possibility of extension. Ms Buse Bilgin, Turkcell, was appointed the FG-AINN chair. The meeting also nominated Mr Leon Wong, (Rakuten Mobile, Japan), Mr Gyu Myoung Lee (Republic of Korea) and Mr Paul Harvey (University of Glasgow, UK) as focus group vice-chairs.

ITU-T Study Groups, TSAG and SDO's were informed about the FG creation by a liaison statement (TD333/PLEN).

Proposal for the new Regional Group for Indian Ocean Rim countries
March 2024 SG13 meeting discussed the proposal, brought by contribution C919-R1 from India, on establishing a new regional group under the SG13. The meeting discussed the proposal and expressed different views and concerns, in particular, on the composition of the group and possible overlap with activities already in place. To this end, the meeting agreed to dispatch the Liaison Statement to the regional telecommunication organizations operating in the region concerned and, deferred the decision on creation of the new Regional Group for Indian Ocean Rim countries (SG13RG-IOR) to the next SG13 meeting (July 2024).

July 2024 SG13 meeting received a contribution C1176 from India and Sri Lanka “Updated proposal for establishing of the new SG13 Regional Group for Indian Ocean Rim countries". The meeting spent ample time extensively discussing various aspects of this proposal in three plenary sessions and at the informal consultation (run by Mr Rajesh Sharma (India) on 17 July 2024). Apart of Contribution C1176, the reply Liaison Statements from the APT Standardization Program (ASTAP), TD259/PLEN, and from ATU, TD266/PLEN, on this subject as well as proposed ToR as output of informal consultation in TD267/PLEN, were reviewed in details and taken into full consideration during meeting deliberations.

Given the variety of views, polar opinions, three alternatives on the new group composition reviewed, further concerns and still a number of questions for clarifications, expressed about the new RG setting up rules, its composition and goals, the decision was not taken at July meeting.

WTSA-24 preparations
Preparations for the WTSA-24 were performed by the final activities of the ad-hoc on next study period (NSP ad-hoc) led by SG13 Vice-chair, Mr Hyung-Soo (Hans) Kim (Republic of Korea) and the special sessions for Questions ToR review headed by the SG13 chair, Mr Kazunori Tanikawa (NICT, Japan). TD369/GEN, presented at the opening plenary by the ad-hoc convener, Mr Hyung-Soo (Hans) Kim (Republic of Korea), has the compilation of all the Question texts, status by the start of the reported SG13 meeting. It formed basis for contributions to this meeting and served the starting point for discussions.

NSP ad-hoc had its sessions on 16 and 18 July 2024 and the report may be found in TD407/GEN. That activity focused on the Question texts, that received contributions to this meeting, namely, Questions 20/13, 23/13, new Question Future networks: User-centric networking for emerging web era" (C1237) and Question N Trusted ICT infrastructure for Web 3.0" (part of Q16/13, C1255).

Special sessions
for Questions ToR review took place on 22 and 23 July 2024 during this SG13 meeting. They considered all the proposed Questions for study in the next study period, including the split of the current Q16/13 into Question M/13 “Quantum enhanced networks" and Question N/13 “Trusted ICT infrastructures and their applications including Web 3.0" as well as contributions from USA in C1296Views and Proposals for a Way Forward on Next Study Period (TD369/GEN)" and from Canada in C1299-R2Canadian Contribution on SG13 NSP preparations". Special sessions also looked at the up-dates to the mandate of the SG13, TD403/GEN.

It was discussed and agreed at the last special session to initiate preparations for the creation of an Ad-hoc/Corresponding Group on considering future SG13 structure (based on the proposal from C1296).

Report of the special sessions for Questions ToR review may be found in TD276/PLEN.

TD275-R3/PLEN contains the outcome of the July 2024 SG13 meeting - the SG13 mandate (area of responsibility, lead study group roles, points of guidance for the next study period) and Questions texts, SG13 agreed to propose to WTSA-24.

In summary, SG13 agreed to propose to the WTSA-24 a set of 14​ Questions for study in the next study period with a note against Question N/13 “Trusted information and communication technologies (ICT) infrastructures and their applications including Web 3.0" (part of Q16/13) saying that UK, USA and Canada did not support the creation of Question N/13 and proposed to transfer a study topic on “trust" to SG17. In addition, some Member States were of the opinion to delete texts regarding “trust" from SG13 mandate and points of guidance.

The chair stated that this set of Questions (along with the note and request for deletion, mentioned above) and SG13 updated mandate (TD275-R3/PLEN) would be submitted to the TSAG July – August 2024 meeting and to WTSA-24.

Liaison Statement to TSAG, with SG13 up-dated mandate and Questions texts proposed to be studied in the next study period, is found in TD335/PLEN.

With this accomplished the ad-hoc on NSP fulfilled its mandate and stopped its operation. The convener, Mr Hyung-Soo (Hans) Kim (Republic of Korea), was thanked for all his efforts in leading this extensive activity. Appreciation was also expressed to all the delegates who actively or passively participated in the deliberations at the ad-hoc sessions, for their dedication, collaboration and spirit of compromise.

C1211 from ETRI brought the proposal to initiate a new collaboration mechanism for quantum resistance-related study in SGs 13 and 17. Bearing in mind a successful performance and outcomes of the CQ (Co-located Quantum) meetings in the past study period, Q6/13 and Q16/13 discussed the proposal from C1211 and agreed to ask SG17 to convene the quantum resistance-related studies jointly via collaboration of the Questions 6/13, 16/13 and 15/17. This approach, to be named co-located quantum resistance meeting (or simply CQR), for Questions 6/13, 16/13 and 15/17, was agreed and a Liaison Statement to SG17, proposing to work very closely on quantum resistance-related issues, was agreed as found in TD331/PLEN, Annex 14.

Network softwarization standardization roadmap: implementation and application
With regards to the Network Softwarization Standardization Roadmap, initiated by the SG11 (TD273/GEN), SG13 received reply to its LS from SG11, TD826/WP1, saying that the title and scope of this deliverable was adjusted to the mandate of the ITU-T SG11. Roadmap title now reads “Network softwarization standardization roadmap: implementation and application". SG13 noted with satisfaction the results of this cooperation exercise.

Bridging Standardization Gap (BSG)

SG13RG-AFR convened its regular (annual) meeting on 25 April 2024 in a virtual format. Presenting the report of that meeting, the SG13RG-AFR chair, Ms Rim Belhassine-Cherif (Tunisia Telecom), mentioned, in particular, that in preparations for the new study period, the group reviewed its ToR (approved by October-November 2023 SG13 meeting) and had no objection to maintaining these ToRs for the next study period as those matched the priorities of the region, were up-to-date for the next study period and complied with the new mandate of the parent study group. The SG13 meeting participants approved the SG13RG-AFR meeting report in TD262/PLEN.

Next meeting of the SG13 Regional Group for Africa is planned as virtual one-day activity in January 2025. Hosts are welcome to identify themselves in order to give an opportunity for the SG13RG-AFR to meet next time in person.

The meeting plans for SG13RG-EECAT were not activated yet.

A BSG introduction and programme sessions were offered by TSB to the SG13 delegates on 19 and 22 July. Sessions were opened to every SG13 participant. Presented material may be found in TD388-R2/GEN and its Addendum 1.

Progress reports
Correspondence Group on Artificial Intelligence Native for Telecommunication Networks (CG-AINN) and its closure

CG-AINN performed its task since March 2024 SG13 meeting and delivered the updated new FG ToR in TD261/PLEN accompanied by the TD376/GEN “Supporting materials for a new FG on Artificial Intelligence Native for Telecommunication Networks (FG AINN)". Final report of the CG-AINN work may be found in TD260/PLEN. SG13 reviewed all three documents at hand, presented by the SG13 chair, Mr Kazunori Tanikawa (NICT, Japan) and took the new FG ToR, developed by the CG-AINN, as a basis for further discussions. At its interim plenary SG13 approved the creation of the new FG on AINN with the ToR as developed by the CG-AINN in TD261/PLEN.

With the creation of the new FG-AINN the correspondence group CG-AINN exhausted its mandate and stopped its operation. The conveners of this activity (CG-AINN and CG-AI6G before March meeting), Ms Buse Bilgin (Turkcell), Mr Leon Wong (Rakuten Mobile, Japan) and Mr Vishnu Ram Ov (India), were thanks for all their efforts in running this task since November 2023.

Correspondence Group on datasets (CG-datasets) and continuation of its operation
ITU-T Correspondence Group for datasets applicable for AI/ML in networks (CG-datasets) reported progress in its 9 e-meetings held from November 2023 till July 2024 in TD265-R1/PLEN. Mr Marco Carugi, the CG-datasets co-convener (Huawei Technologies, China), introducing the progress of his group, highlighted, in particular:

  • the outcomes of the 16 July 2024 workshop on AI/ML datasets for future networks clause 9 of TD265-R1/PLEN;
  • opinion of the CG to request SG13 for extending the lifetime of this CG for one more year, proposed up-date to the ToR of the CG, crafted in clause 7 of the TD265-R/PLEN and
  • accomplishment of the first edition of the technical report “Datasets standardization approaches for datasets applicable for AI/ML in networks", TD274-R1/PLEN, drawn up through the CG activities since July 2022.

The SG13 meeting took a good note of the report in TD265-R1/PLEN, agreed to extend the lifetime of the CG until July 2025 with the up-dated ToR as appears in clause 7 of TD265-R1/PLEN in order to provide the CG with ample time to conduct a gap analysis of related standardization efforts and to develop the second, in-depth, edition of the technical report on datasets standardization. Second edition intends to cover

1) identification of the specific problems to be solved leveraging the described datasets, models and tools (e.g., precise traffic forecasting in networks);
2) the datasets applicable for AI/ML not only in networks but also applications and services enabled by networks;
3) new breed of data (multi-modal data);
4) language models, other than large language model (for instance, its combinations).

​Furthermore, the SG13 chair, Mr Kazunori Tanikawa (NICT, Japan), introduced in detail the first edition of the technical report by the CG. Technical Report was agreed for publication.​​​

Web3 ad-hoc and continuation of its operation
The ad-hoc “Future ICT Evolution for emerging Web Era" (Web3 ad-hoc) presented its progress to date in TD273/PLEN. Mr Gyu Myoung Lee (Republic of Korea), the ad-hoc co-convener, walked the participants through this report that covers the activities and achievements since November 2023. Ad-hoc met 5 times in the reported period and had a good progress on its two technical reports (developed per group's ToR). The SG13 meeting reviewed and noted with satisfaction the progress to date by the ad-hoc Web3, TD273/PLEN.

Contribution C1253 (from KAIST) justifies the proposal for continuation of the work of the ad-hoc Web3 in order to give more time to accomplish the work on two technical reports and to identify a clear direction for future standardization and potential work items in the next study period.

SG13 gave a favorable response to this request, the lifetime of the ad-hoc Web3 was extended until March 2025 with the same ToR (as found in Annex A of TD273/PLEN).

JCA-ML and continuation of its operation
The chair of the JCA-ML, Mr Kangchan Lee (ETRI, Republic of Korea), reported the progress of his group by presenting TD269-R1/PLEN. This document captures the outcomes since the group's creation in July 2022.

The meeting reviewed the progress report of the JCA-ML along with the request from the group to continue its operation (in TD270/PLEN) under revised terms of reference found in Appendix I of the same document. SG13 agreed continuation of the JCA-ML operation with the revised ToR as depicted in TD270/PLEN, Appendix I, and dispatched the Liaison Statement to TSAG (for action) and ITU-SGs informing about this decision, TD271/PLEN.​

The progress report by JCA-ML (TD269-R1/PLEN) was well received and noted by the meeting. 

JCA-IMT2020 and continuation of its operation
The SG13 chair, Mr Kazunori Tanikawa (NICT, Japan), walked the participants through TD264/PLEN, presenting the progress of JCA-IMT2020 to date. This document captures the outcomes since the group's creation in February 2017.

In addition, the meeting considered the request from the group to continue its operation, in TD277/PLEN, with revised terms of reference as appears in TD278/PLEN. The meeting supported both documents, and agreed that JCA-IMT2020 will continue its operation under the updated ToR (TD278/PLEN). The outgoing Liaison Statement in TD279/PLEN brings this meeting decision to the attention of TSAG and ITU-T SGs.

The progress report by JCA-IMT2020 (TD264/PLEN) was well noted by the meeting. 

Ad-hoc activities
Web3 ad-hoc

The ad-hoc “Future ICT Evolution for emerging Web Era" (Web3 ad-hoc)
met alongside this SG13 meeting on 17 July 2024. Group considered three contributions towards progressing the Technical Report on Trustworthy Data Infrastructure for Web 3.0, and one contribution for the Technical Report on Network enhancement for supporting emerging Web technologies. Both deliverables were enhanced based on the submitted contributions and meeting deliberations; results may be found in TD409/GEN and TD410/GEN respectively.

The ad-hoc noted also a proposal for extending the lifetime of this ad-hoc (C1253), which for a decision will be taken at the SG level.
Meeting report is available on the ad-hoc's iFA area

Coordination activities

New work items coordination
Since March 2023 SG13 has been convening the new work items coordination sessions, the approach to assess the proposals for the new work in their entirety. In July 2024 SG13 had three sessions (16, 17 and 18 July 2024) for exchanging the opinions on the new work proposed for starting at this meeting. The agenda was crafted by the SG13 Vice-chair, Mr Scott Mansfield (Ericsson Canada), who joined the session from remote; the SG13 chair, Mr Kazunori Tanikawa, convened the meeting. The report may be found in TD405-R1/GEN.

The regular JCA-IMT2020 meeting took place in Geneva on 22 July 2024 alongside this SG13 meeting. It was chaired by the JCA-IMT2020 vice-chair, Ms Ying Cheng (China Unicom) with the support from remote by the JCA-IMT20202 chair, Mr Scott Mansfield (Ericsson, Canada).

As custom, it agreed on an important number of new Recommendations and technical specifications to be included into its ongoing project IMT-2020 and beyond roadmap. The meeting noted with satisfaction the planned for the July 2024 SG13 meeting agreement on publication of the 4th revision to the ITU-T Supplement 59 (to Y.3100-series) the IMT-2020 and Beyond Standardization Roadmap. As part of its coordination and cooperation task the JCA-IMT2020 meeting received the presentation about the changes in the ETSI automated database extraction tool. Mr Scott Mansfield, JCA-IMT2020 chair, spoke on this point.

In addition, approaching the end of its lifetime, JCA-IMT2020 assessed the current state of arts and value added by this group especially by its main project (roadmap) and agreed to request the SG13 plenary to endorse continuation of its work. Such proposal, made by the meeting convener, was supported by Zambia, Republic of Korea and Tunisia Telecom. (See TD277/PLEN and TD278/PLEN).

The next JCA-IMT2020 meeting will take place in March 2025 in Geneva alongside the SG13 meeting.

The JCA-ML held its fifth meeting alongside SG13 meeting on 19 July 2024 in Geneva. It was chaired by Mr Kangchan Lee (ETRI, Republic of Koea), the JCA-ML chair, with the support of Mr Marco Carugi (Huawei Technologies, China), JCA-ML vice-chair. The meeting advanced the work on its two projects, the roadmap and glossary of terms, based on the inputs received:

  • Machine learning standardization roadmap (Editor: Mr Sungpil Shin, ETRI, Republic of Korea) and
  • Glossary of terms and definitions for machine learning (Editor: Mr Hongki Cha, ETRI Republic of Korea)

Furthermore, the meeting touched base on the categorization of the ML related deliverables in the roadmap and the next steps for glossary of terms project. In addition, the JCA-ML meeting considered in details the proposal for continuation of its work beyond 2024 and agreed to request SG13 to approve its continuation with the revised ToR (see appendix I of TD270/PLEN).

A presentation of current standardization efforts in ISO/IEC/JTC 1/SC 42/WG 2 The International Standards Portfolio for the AI Data Ecosystem" on importance of data in AI, courtesy of Mr Suwook Ha (ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 42/WG 2 Liaison Rapporteur), was given to the meeting attendees.

The next JCA-ML meeting will take place on 13 November 2024 in a virtual format.

Proposal for the new Correspondence Group on SG13 future direction (CG-SG13ftr)
C1296 from USA brought the proposal to start the new ad-hoc or correspondence group on evaluating the SG13 future structure. The idea was presented first at the special session for Questions ToR review, then got its shaped ToR as shown in TD332/PLEN with the proposal by the SG13 chair for the correspondence group on SG13 future direction. After some discussion and concerns expressed, that it would be beneficial to take into account the outcomes of the WTSA before starting the SG13 structure review, the meeting agreed that it would be worth to start this correspondence group work from the next SG13 meeting.

Work programme updates

New Work
Contributions brought 62 proposals to initiate the new work, out of which 42 were drafted in the form of a new Recommendation (28), revised Recommendation (1), Supplement (8), technical report (5), four kept in the Q17/13 living list and 2 – in the Q19/13 living list.
So, in total this meeting agreed to the initiation of 43 new and revised work items (TD326-R1/PLEN, TD328-R1/PLEN, TD330/PLEN annexes and TD412/WP2).


Information session
A regular newcomer session presentation was delivered by the SG13 Mentor, Mr Alojz Hudobivnik (WP1/13 Vice-chair), on 15 July 2024. It attracted 9 live and 18 remote participants. Presented material is available from TD389/GEN.

Technical tutorial
On 16 July 2024 SG13 received a Technical Tutorial with a view on future communication infrastructure by Innovative and Optical Wireless Network Global Forum (IOWN GF), delivered by IOWN GF representative, Mr Yoshinori Goto (NTT, Japan). Presentation material is available in TD406/GEN.

Given a rather limited number of responses to the last SG13 questionnaire "Requirements and Framework for the exploitation of Big Data/Artificial Intelligence technologies in developing countries" (in support of the work in Q5/13), received before the renewed deadline of 1 July 2024, it was agreed to extend the deadline for replies until 31 December 2024. Questionnaire remains available from the SG13 landing page. All the details may be found in TSB Circular 159. 

A new Questionnaire on Migrating existing mobile network technologies to IMT-2020 and beyond (also in support of the work in Q5/13) was agreed for dissemination at this meeting, TD325/PLEN. It went live via the TSB Circular 235 , is available at the SG13 homepage, accepts replies until 1 January 2025 and welcomes input from any ITU member.

The workshop At the crossroads of Standards and Research: AI/ML datasets for future networks" took place in the morning of 16 July in Geneva alongside this SG13 meeting.

Mr Marco Carugi (CG-datasets co-convener), Mr Antonio De Domenic (Huawei Technologies, China) supported by Mr Vishnu Ram Ov (CG-datasets co-convener) ensured the success of this event that attracted 109 participants (55 live and 54 remote). Summary of the key takes-away may be found in clause 9 of TD265-R1/PLEN.

SG13 agreed
- Supplement 84 to ITU-T Y.3050-series of Recommendations (formerly roadmap) "Standardization roadmap on trustworthy networking and services", TD324/PLEN
- next (4th) revision of the Supplement 59 to ITU-T Y.3100-series of Recommendations "IMT-2020 and beyond standardization roadmap", TD323/PLEN

started work on new
- Supplement Y.sup.cnc-roadmap "Roadmap of coordination of networking and computing in IMT-2020 networks and beyond", TD911/WP1, target for completion in 4Q/2026
- Supplement Y.supp.fmsc-roadmap "Fixed, mobile and satellite convergence - Standardization roadmap", TD892/WP1, target for 4Q/2026
- Supplement Y.Suppl.CPN-SR to Y.2500-series with the roadmap of computing power network, TD578-R2/WP3  target for 2Q/2025  

Certificates of appreciation
A certificate of appreciation was handled to every representative of the SG13 leadership team to recognize his/her expertise, experience and dedication though the length of the 2022 – 2024 study period.

A special session for the Questions ToR review as a whole, initiated by the SG13 chair.
- Proposed new collaboration between SG13 and SG17 on quantum resistance-related study (CQR) among Q6/13, Q16/13 and Q15/17, similar to former CQ activity (CQ – co-located quantum).
- Technical tutorial by the Innovative and Optical Wireless Network Global Forum (IOWN GF) on key transformation technologies such as photonic networks, Data Centric Infrastructure (DCI), and digital twin computing. 

Future plans

An important number of interim meetings was agreed to (TD336/PLEN). This includes the joint e-meeting with SG2 on relationship of Y.CNAO with AITOM[1] (Q20/13).

12th SG13RG-AFR meeting will be held virtually in January 2025.

The sixth JCA-ML meeting will be convened virtually on 13 November 2024.

The 21th JCA-IMT2020 meeting will take place alongside the SG13 meeting, in March 2025 in Geneva.

Web3 ad-hoc and correspondence group on datasets will continue their activities to pursue their terms of reference.

Next SG13 meeting is planned take place on 3–14 March 2025 in Geneva. Tentative determination/consent/agreement plan may be found in TD431/GEN.

[1] Y.CNAO “Requirements and functional framework for Customer-oriented Network Quality Auto Optimization with Artificial Intelligence”

  AITOM AI-enhanced telecommunications operation and management​