ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Executive Summary

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Executive Summary of the Working Party 1/20  Meeting (Virtual, 6 November 2020)

Numbers and other links​
Main discussions and results
At its meeting held virtually on 6 November 2020, WP1/20 achieved the following outcomes:
​​Major accomplishments

Recommendations consented by WP1/20 for Last Call (AAP - Recommendation ITU-T A.8)
The ITU-T SG20 plenary meeting gave consent (AAP) to 2 draft new ITU-T Recommendations according to Recommendation ITU-T A.8:

Revised Recommendations​​

​​​ITU-T Rec. Number



New Recommendations

Draft new/revised
Rec. No.
Titl​e Question ​​TD
Y.4211 (ex Y.ACC-PTS)
Accessibility requirements for smart public transportation services
Y.4476 (ex Y.IoT-rf-dlt​)
OID-based Resolution framework for transaction of distributed ledger assigned to IoT resources

 Agreed informative texts

​​ITU-T Sup​​. Nu​m​​b​er
Question Draft Supplement for agreement ​Title​​​ ​​TD

New work items

TD re​fe​rence Question
Working title Title
TD1943 A.1 [TD1944]
Requirements and capability framework of digital twin for smart firefighting
TD1945 A.1 [TD1946]
Requirements and capability framework of abnormal event detection system for smart home
TD1950 A.1 [TD1951]
IoT requirements and capabilities for support of blockchain
TD1952 A.1 [TD1953]


Requirements of IoT-based electric power infrastructure monitoring system
TD1986 A.1 [TD1987]
RecommendationY.NCE.arch.EIoT​Functional Architecture Enhancement with Network Capability Exposure to Support Flexible QoS/QoE Requirements from Enterprise IoT Services and Applications​
TD1957 A.1
Q3/20 ​
​Reference architecture of service exposure for decentralized services for IoT applications
TD1959 A.1
RecommendationITU-T Y.IoT-DES-fr​
​Framework of decentralized service by using DLT and edge computing technologies for IoT devices
TD1965 A.1
ITU-T Y.AI-DECCS​Functional architecture of AI enabled device-edge-cloud collaborative services for IoT and smart city​
TD1975 A.1
Capability and functional architecture of peer of blockchain of things​

TD1977 A.1

Y.IoT-SQMS​​Requirements and functional architecture of IoT sensing quality management service
TD1979 A.1
Y.CDML-arc​​Reference architecture of collaborative decentralized machine learning for intelligent IoT services


​Map of Working Party 1/20 Meeting report

 ​ ​WP1/20
Meeting Report & Work ProgrammeTD1920-R2
Summary of Questions' Results

Working Party 1/20

Working Party 1/20 was preceded by the Rapporteur group meetings of Q1/20, Q2/20, Q3/20 and Q4/20 from 2-5 November 2020.

Question 1/20 - "End to end connectivity, networks, interoperability, infrastructures and Big Data aspects related to IoT and SC&C" summary

The Rapporteur group meeting of Q1/20 under the chairmanship of Rapporteur Mr Jun Seob Lee took place from 2-5 November 2020. All rapporteur documents can be found at:

Question 1/20 discussed three Contributions. During the meeting, Q1/20 progressed on three ongoing draft Recommendations, Y.infra, Y.isms and Y.DPM-Interop. At the meeting, Q1/20 produced five output documents including the meeting report, three revised texts of ongoing draft Recommendations and one reply Liaison Statement.

The meeting report of Q1/20 (TD1921-R2) was approved at the plenary of WP1/20.

Question 2/20 - "Requirements, capabilities, and use cases across verticals" summary

The Rapporteur group meeting of Q2/20 under the chairmanship of Rapporteur Mr Marco Carugi took place from 2-5 November 2020. All rapporteur documents can be found at:

The Question 2/20 meeting reviewed 14 Contributions and 7 TDs (7 incoming Liaison Statements). During the meeting, the Question made progress on 8 ongoing draft Recommendations and 1 ongoing draft Supplement. 4 new work items were submitted by Q2/20 to WP1/20 meeting for approval. It was agreed to submit draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.ACC-PTS to WP1/20 meeting for consent. 2 outgoing Liaison Statements were prepared and approved during the WP1/20 closing plenary.

The meeting report of Q2/20 (TD1922-R2) was approved at the closing plenary of WP1/20.

Question 3/20 - "Architectures, management, protocols and Quality of Service" summary

The Rapporteur group meeting of Q3/20 under the chairmanship of Rapporteur Ms Shane He took place from 2-5 November 2020. All rapporteur documents can be found at:

The meeting considered in total 11 Contributions and 7 incoming Liaison Statements which were submitted to WP1/20. According to the Contributions and discussion, 6 ongoing WIs made good progress. 

During the meeting, it was agreed to submit draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.IoT-rf-dlt to WP1/20 meeting for consent, and 4 new work items with the related A.1 justifications to WP1/20 for approval. Additionally, 5 outgoing Liaison Statements were prepared and approved during the WP1/20 closing plenary.

The meeting report of Q3/20 (TD1923-R3) was approved at the closing plenary of WP1/20.

Question 4/20 - "e/Smart services, applications and supporting platforms" summary

The Rapporteur group meeting of Q4/20 under the chairmanship of Rapporteur Mr Gyu Myoung Lee took place from 2-5 November 2020. All rapporteur documents can be found at: 

Question 4/20 discussed 17 Contributions. At the meeting, Q4/20 produced 20 output documents including the meeting report and other documents as follows: 8 ongoing draft Recommendations, 3 initial draft Recommendations, 4 Living lists and 1 outgoing Liaison Statement.

The meeting report of Q4/20 (TD1924-R1) was approved at the closing plenary of WP1/20.

Work Programme

The updated work programme can be found here.

Rapporteur group meetings (including e-meetings)
The complete list of planned meetings and e-meetings can be found at:​

Updates in the ITU-T SG20 management team and Rapporteurs

Future events and dates of next ITU-T Study Group 20 meetings:​​