The main objective of the Regional Group is to encourage national authorities and operators, manufactures and scientific-research institutions from CIS/RCC countries of Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Transcaucasia region to work together towards coordinated standardization proposals and increase quality and quantity of contributions to ITU-T SG13 in general and to Big Data/Cloud Computing and future networks (2030+) in particular in line with SG13 mandate.
Terms of Reference
- To encourage active participation of RCC/CIS countries from Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Transcaucasia region administrations, regulators and operators in the work of ITU-T SG13 and to report to them ITU-T SG13 outcomes and deliverables.
- To establish an electronic forum to drive discussions and exchange opinions and experiences on big data/cloud computing implementation challenges including regulatory issues facing administrations, operators and regulators in region. Discuss challenges for future networks implementations.
- To establish training needs on big data/cloud computing and future networks for operators and regulatory authorities in region and coordinate the organization of technical tutorials in the region on such topics with ITU-T SG13.
- To encourage active participation of CIS countries in workshops, Rapporteur meetings and other ITU-T SG13 events and subgroups.
- To convene workshops for this region in order to raise the understanding of standards and increase the standard-developing skill and abilities
- Act as facilitator for contributing to the parent SG.
- To reflect the relevant priorities of the region as per ITU-T SG13 mandate. Focus on the following Priority areas are:
- Big Data/Cloud Computing
- Edge Mobile
- Networks around 2030 and beyond
- To encourage CIS/RCC countries of Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Transcaucasia to contribute to the development of new/revised ITU-T Recommendations on big data/cloud computing and future networks and report on their respective activities.
- To disseminate relevant information provided by ITU-T on big data/cloud computing and future networks standards and document relevant use cases of distributed calculation, storage, analytics and services including emerging services offered by new infrastructures.
- To collaborate with CIS/RCC and national standards developing bodies.
- To serve an incubator of new ideas for future technologies and their implementation scenarios shaped to the best to work in this part of the world.
- To serve a platform to share the expertise and experience in early implementation of the parent group standards.
- To bring new member country initiatives to the attention of all CIS/RCC countries from Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Transcaucasia region.
- To provide personalities for top positions to lead standardization efforts in SG13 subgroups.
- Build a community of collaborators for mainstreaming new technologies, new proposals for standardization.
- To encourage review of existing SG13 Recommendations from the region perspective with the goal of their update and improvements.
- To preserve the interest of the region in SG13 activities.
Working Methods
Between the physical meetings, the regional group will mainly work electronically and by correspondence through designated focal points.