Executive Summary of the ITU-T Study Group 20 Meeting and Joint Coordination Activity on Internet of Things and Smart Cities and Communities
(Geneva, 25 July-5 August 2016)
Numbers and other links:
Consented Recommendations: 4 at this meeting
Recommendations Decided/Determined/Approved: 1 Determined at this meeting
Recommendations agreed for Deletion: none at this meeting
Other texts approved: (Total: 1) 1 Supplement
New work items:
Final text of the 44 outgoing Liaison Statements: see LS database.
The meeting had around 181 registered participants during the meeting period. Remote participation services were provided; some delegates joined both remotely and physically. The final list of participants is available in TD 438 Rev.1.
Major accomplishments
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.4113 (ex. Y.IoT-network-reqts) “Requirements of the network for the Internet of Things” was developed by Q2/20. It was consented by ITU-T SG20 and is contained in
TD 473 Rev.2
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.4451 (ex. Y.IoT-cdn) “Framework of constrained device networking in the IoT environments” was developed by Q3/20. It was consented by ITU-T SG20 and is contained in
TD 500 Rev.1
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.4452 (ex. Y.WoO-fw) “Functional framework of Web of Objects” was developed by Q4/20. It was consented by ITU-T SG20 and is contained in
TD 547
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.4453 (ex. Y.IoT-ASF) “Adaptive software framework for IoT devices” was developed by Q4/20. It was consented by ITU-T SG20 and is contained in
TD 550
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.4454 (ex. Y.SC-platform) “Platform Interoperability for Smart Cities” was developed by Q6/20. It was determined by ITU-T SG20 and is contained in
TD 498 Rev.1
ITU-T Y.Suppl.42 to ITU-T Y.4100 series (ex Y.UCS-usecase) “Use cases of User-Centric work Space (UCS) Service was developed by Q2/20. It was agreed and is contained in
TD 474 Rev.3
Collaboration with other SDOs and Forums
Mr Omar Elloumi, Liaison Rapporteur from oneM2M to SG20, gave a presentation about oneM2M's current status as well as application of oneM2M in the smart cities context. The presentation highlighted the features of oneM2M release 1 and release 2 and the relationship to existing open source projects and other standardization work. The application of oneM2M for smart cities based on recent market requirements was presented. oneM2M indicated that its legal group is in the process of finalizing a legal annex governing the use of oneM2M specifications (if submitted for approval as ITU-T Recommendations) before making a submission for consideration to ITU-T SG20.
TD 399
Approval of the report of the second meeting of ITU-T Study Group 20
The report was approved with some modifications as contained in TD
376 Rev1.
Highlights of TSAG 2016
Mr Nasser Al Marzouqi, Chairman of Study Group 20 provided the main highlights of the last TSAG meetings held in 2016:
TSAG endorsed the lead Study group role for SG20 on “Internet of things and its applications” and Smart Cities and communities”.
TSAG approved the updated text of the six SG20 questions.
TSAG agreed to change the mandate and scope of the JCA-IoT and SC&C.
TSAG agreed to the new title of Y-series Recommendations proposed by SG20 to include IoT and Smart Cities. A.12 was amended reflecting the changes in Y-series title “Global information infrastructure, Internet protocol aspects, Next Generation Networks, Internet of Things and Smart Cities”.
TSAG agreed that all IoT related recommendations currently enlisted on a number of series (e.g F, H and Y-series) be double numbered under Y.4000 sub-series in order to ensure greater visibility of the responsibility of ITU-T Study Group 20.
It was noted that the double numbered Recommendations in the Y.4000 sub-series would not be republished only to insert the new number. It was strongly recommended to keep double numbering when a new version of the Recommendation is published.
After discussion between the SG16 and SG20 chairmen, TSAG endorsed the proposal to propose to WTSA an amendment to one of the lead SG roles proposed by SG16 as "Lead study group on ubiquitous multimedia applications".
TD578/TSAG on “ITU-T Study Group 20 report on SG20 as the lead study group on Internet of Things (IoT) and its applications, smart cities and communities” was presented by SG20 Chairman and the report was noted.
TD525/TSAG on “proposed Questions and mandate of SG20 for the next study period” was presented by SG20 Chairman.
Cooperation between SG17 and SG20 on IoT security and privacy issues was discussed in the TSAG meeting. The two Co-conveners prepared a joint report which highlighted the results of the Correspondence Group IoT-Sec. An agreement was reached and is contained in TD614Rev.2/TSAG.
The following contributions were noted during the SG20 Opening Plenary
[TD 400] [C 258].
Update on Y.4000 series structure
An update on Y.4000 series was noted by the meeting as contained in
TD 312 Rev.1
Newcomers' session
The newcomers’session took place on 25 July. Mr. Marco Carugi, Q2/20 Rapporteur delivered the following presentations as contained in
TD 300,
,TD 390,
TD 393.
Dates of next SG20 meeting and interim Working Party meetings
The next meeting of ITU-T SG20 is planned in February/March 2017 (dates to be confirmed).
Interim Physical/Virtual Rapporteur Meetings are scheduled. Information on future physical and virtual meetings is available at: http://handle.itu.int/11.1002/db/rgm-sg20.
Map of meeting reports & Liaison Statements (as seen by the SG20 Plenary)
Summary of Questions' Results
Question 1/20 summary
Question 1/20 had a successful meeting. Q1/20 adopted the Agenda contained in
TD 401 Rev.8.
Q1/20 meeting received and reviewed 8 contributions and progressed on its 5 previously adopted work items. It additionally adopted a new work item titled: ITU-T Y.Req-Arch-CS "Requirements and Functional Architecture of IoT-related Crowdsourced Systems". The scope of this new draft Recommendation includes:
- concept of IoT-related Crowdsourced Systems (CS) platforms;
- use cases related to IoT-related Crowdsourced Systems (CS) platforms;
- requirements for IoT-related Crowdsourced Systems (CS) platforms;
- functional architecture of the IoT-related Crowdsourced Systems (CS) platforms.
The meeting Report of Q1/20 can be found in
TD 411 Rev.10
Working Party 1/20 – Internet of Things (IoT)
Question 2/20 summary
Question 2/20 had a very successful meeting. The group adopted the Agenda in
TD 402 Rev.11.
The assigned documents to Q2/20 were addressed in 50 sessions. Q2/20 discussed 44 Contributions and reviewed 40 TDs including various incoming liaison statements. During the meeting, Q2/20 has made progress on 11 draft Recommendations and 1 draft Supplement with significant inputs from the floor, lively discussions and dedication from all the participants.
The main results of the meeting are as follows:
- Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.4113 (ex. Y.IoT-network-reqts) "Requirements of the network for the Internet of Things" was consented by ITU-T SG20.
This Draft Recommendation describes the requirements of the network for the Internet of Things (IoT). Since the common requirements of the IoT described in [ITU-T Y.2066] is high level, this Recommendation is complementary to [ITU-T Y.2066] in terms of specific requirements of the network for the IoT. - ITU-T Y. Suppl.42 to Y4100 series (ex Y.UCS-usecase) “Use cases of User-Centric work Space Service” was agreed by ITU-T SG20.
This Supplement to ITU-T Y-series Recommendations provides a description of the UCS concept and its associated enhanced user experience. Additionally, this Supplement provides use cases of UCS service to illustrate how this service can be implemented. - Three new work items in the areas of IoT Use cases, Retail and Accessibility were submitted for approval.
Q2/20 also proposed 3 new Work Items for approval and 9 outgoing Liaison Statement were prepared.
The meeting Report of Q2/20 can be found in
TD 412 Rev.5
Question 3/20 summary
Question 3/20 had a very successful meeting. The group adopted the Agenda in
TD 403 Rev.4.
The assigned documents to Q3/20 were addressed in 23 sessions. Q3/20 discussed 17 contributions and 28 incoming liaison statements. During the meeting, Q3/20 has made progress on 6 draft Recommendations. At the meeting, Q3/20 produced 13 output documents including revised texts of ongoing draft Recommendations and initial draft Recommendations, and the meeting report.
The main results of the meeting are as follows:
- Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.4451 (ex. Y.IoT-cdn) "Framework of constrained device networking in the IoT environments" was consented by ITU-T SG20.
TD 500 Rev.1;
TD 501 Rev.1
This Draft Recommendation specifies the framework of constrained device networking in the Internet of things (IoT) environments in an aspect of the communications of IoT device. This Recommendation describes the concept of constrained device networking in the IoT environments and communication of constrained devices. It also describes network architecture and mechanisms of constrained device networking. - Progress on the work on existing work items Y.IoT-SCE, "Reference architecture for IoT network service capability exposure", Y.IoT-son "Framework of self-organization network in the IoT environments", Y.IoT-DE-RA "Reference architecture for IoT device capabilities exposure", Y.NGNe-IoT-arch "Architecture of the Internet of Things based on NGNe" and Y.gw-IoT-arch "Functional architecture of gateway for IoT applications" was included in output documents
TD 455 Rev.2 ,
TD 441,
TD519 Rev.11,
TD518 Rev.1,
TD467 Rev.1.
- Q3/20 also proposed 2 new work items for approval including "Functional architecture of Service Discovery for Interworking between Heterogeneous IoT Platforms" and "Requirements and functional architecture of Open IoT identity correlation service".
- Q3/20 also prepared 1 outgoing Liaison Statement.
The meeting Report of Q3/20 can be found in
TD 413 Rev.5
Question 4/20 summary
Question 4/20 had a very successful meeting. The group adopted the Agenda in
TD 404 Rev.8.
The assigned documents to Q4/20 were addressed in 28 sessions. Q4/20 discussed 25 contributions and 42 incoming liaison statements. During the meeting, Q4/20 has made progress on 8 draft Recommendations. At the meeting, Q4/20 produced 22 output documents including revised texts of ongoing draft Recommendations and initial draft Recommendations, living list and the meeting report.
The main results of the meeting are as follows:
- Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.4452 (ex. Y.WoO-fw) "Functional framework of Web of Objects" was consented.
This Draft Recommendation provides the functional framework of Web of Objects (WoO) including the concept, the reference model, functional capabilities and information models.
TD 547. - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.4453 (ex. Y.IoT-ASF) "Adaptive software framework for IoT devices" was consented by ITU-T SG20.
This Draft Recommendation describes the high-level requirements and functional architecture of the adaptive software framework (ASF) for Internet of things (IoT) devices.TD 550 - Progress the work on existing work items Y.IoT-EH-PFE "Performance evaluation frameworks of e-health systems in the IoT" (TD 549), Y.TPS-afw "Architectural framework for providing transportation safety service" (TD 545), Y.del-fw "Framework of delegation service for the IoT devices" (TD 551), Y.ISG-fr "Framework of IoT-based Smart Greenhouse" (TD 548), Y.WoO-hn "Service architecture and capability in web of objects enabled virtual home network"(TD 544), Y.social-device "Framework of the social device networking" (TD 546).
- Q4/20 also proposed 4 new work items for approval including "Service Functionalities of Self-quantification over Internet of things", "Security capabilities supporting safety of the Internet of Things", "Information Management Digital Architecture to combat counterfeiting in IoT" and "An Interoperability framework for IoT".
- 13 Outgoing Liaison Statements were prepared.
The meeting Report of Q4/20 can be found in
TD 414 Rev.6Two joint sessions were successfully held with Q5/20 to discuss and take decisions concerning 3 new work items and liaison statements relevant to IoT security issues. The Agenda of this joint meeting is in
TD 443 Rev.1.
During this joint session a presentation by DONA Foundation on Handle System was delivered,
TD 448 Rev.1.
Working Party 2/20 – Smart cities and Communities (SC&C)
Question 5/20 summary
Question 5/20 had a very successful meeting. The group adopted the Agenda in
TD 405 Rev.6.
Q5/20 discussed 12 Contributions and 4 Liaison Statements. During the meeting, Q5/20 has made progress on 3 draft Recommendations and has agreed to submit 3 new work items for ITU-T SG20 approval as initial draft Recommendations. At the meeting, Q5/20 produced 16 output documents including revised texts of on-going and initial draft Recommendations and the meeting report.
The main results of the meeting are as follows:
- Updated draft Recommendation "Y.SC-Overview "An overview of smart sustainable cities and the role and impact of information and communication technologies.
TD 445 Rev.3,
- Updated draft Recommendation Y.Interop "Identifier service requirements for the interoperability of Smart City applications",
TD 447 Rev.1
- Updated draft Recommendation Y.SC-OpenData, "Framework of Open Data in Smart Cities".
TD 446 Rev.1
- Agreed to submit a new work item (WI) for ITU-T SG20 approval and developed initial draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.SRC, "Requirements for deployment of smart services in Rural Communities"
TD 454 Rev.1.
- Agreed to submit a new WI for ITU-T SG20 approval and developed initial draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.SEM, "Requirements and Reference Architecture of Smart Environmental Monitoring"
TD 452
- Agreed to submit a new WI for SG20 approval and developed initial draft Recommendation ITU-T Y. SPL, "Requirements and Reference Framework for Smart Parking Lots in smart city",
TD 449 Rev.1
The meeting Report of Q5/20 can be found in
TD 415 Rev.6
Question 6/20 summary
Question 6/20 had a very successful meeting. The group adopted the Agenda in
TD 406 Rev.4.
Q6/20 discussed 16 Contributions and one Liaison Statement. During the meeting, Q6/20 has made good progress on 3 draft Recommendations and has agreed to submit 2 new work items for ITU-T SG20 approval as initial draft Recommendations. At the meeting, Q6/20 produced 16 output documents including revised texts of on-going and initial draft Recommendations and the meeting report.
The main results of the meeting are as follows:
Agreed to submit for determination, the Draft Recommendation Y.SC-platform "Platforms Interoperability for Smart Cities",
(TD 498 Rev.1)
Updated draft Recommendation "Y.frame-scc, "Framework and high-level requirements of smart cities and communities"
(TD 521 Rev.1)
Updated draft Recommendation Y.Infra, "Overview of city infrastructure" (TD 522 Rev.1)
Agreed to submit a new work item (WI) for SG20 approval ITU-T Y.STD, "Reference Model for Smart Tourist Destinations: platform interoperability and functionalities"
(TD 502 Rev.1)
Agreed to submit a new work item (WI) for SG20 approval ITU-T Y.ODI "Open Data Indicator in smart cities"
(TD 503 Rev.1)
The meeting Report can be found in TD 416 Rev.4.
Recommendations consented for Last Call (AAP – Recommendation ITU-T A.8)
The SG20 plenary meeting gave consent (AAP) to four draft new ITU-T Recommendations for Last Call according to Recommendation ITU-T A.8:
Title |
TD |
AAP 86/LC |
ITU-T Y.4113 (Y.IoT-network-reqts)
"Requirements of the network for the Internet of Things" |
TD473 Rev.2 |
AAP 86 |
ITU-T Y.4451 (Y.IoT-cdn)
"Framework of constrained device networking in the IoT environments" |
TD500 Rev.1 |
AAP 86 |
ITU-T Y.4452 (Y. WoO-fw)
"Functional framework of Web of Objects" |
TD547 Rev.1 |
AAP 86 |
ITU-T Y.4453 (Y.IoT-ASF)
"Adaptive software framework for IoT devices" |
TD550 |
AAP 86 |
Recommendations Approved by SG20 on the closing Plenary (according to A.8 §5)
None at this meeting.
Recommendations Determined (TAP-WTSA-12 Resolution 1)
The SG20 plenary meeting determined (TAP) one draft new ITU-T Recommendation in accordance with WTSA-12 Resolution 1, Section 9.
Title |
TD |
ITU-T Y.4454 (Y.SC-platform) "Platforms Interoperability for Smart Cities" |
TD498 Rev.1 |
Other texts approved by SG20
Supplements |
TD |
ITU-T Y.Supp.42 to ITU-T Y.4100 series (Y.UCS-usecase) Use cases of User-Centric work Space service |
TD474 Rev.3 |
Recommendations agreed for deletion by SG20
None at this meeting.
Updates in the SG20 management team and Rapporteurs
(Click here for the complete list of SG20 Rapporteurs). Please also see:
TD 302 Rev.1,
TD 327 and
TD 432.
Ms Silvia Guzman (Spain), as ITU-T SG20 Vice-chairman due to other commitments
Mr Zhen Luo (Fiberhome Technologies Group), as Q6/20 Associate rapporteur
New Appointments:
Ms Blanca González (Spain), as ITU-T SG20 Vice-chairman (TD 327)
Mr Rahmy Ahmed Fathy (National Telecom Regulatory Authority, Egypt), as Q1/20 Co-rapporteur (TD 302)
- Mr Keng Li (Fiberhome Technologies Group), as Q6/20 Associate rapporteur (TD 432)
- Mr Marco Carugi (NEC Corporation), as ITU-T SG20 Mentor to facilitate the participation of newcomers (TD 573)
Representatives and other roles:
Please see: http://1f8a81b9b0707b63-19211.webchannel-proxy.scarabresearch.com/en/ITU-T/studygroups/2013-2016/20/Pages/representatives.aspx
Special Session on Security and Privacy
A Special Session on Security and Privacy was held on 1 August 2016. The group adopted the Agenda in
TD 460 Rev.2. The objectives of this session were to:
- Discuss the agreement reached between SG20 and SG17 at TSAG (TD 440);
- Discuss collaboration and cooperation between SG17 and SG20, based on the agreement reached;
- Review the ToR of the Correspondence Group;
- Discussions on Privacy, personal data protection, and Trust
- Contribution from the United States of America (C232 Rev.1)
- Incoming Liaison Statement from SG17;
- Outgoing Liaison Statement from SG20 to SG17.
The meeting report of this Special session on Security and Privacy can be found in
TD 558 Rev.2.
Joint Coordination Activity on Internet of Things and Smart Cities and Communities
(JCA-IoT and SC&C)
The sixteenth meeting of the JCA-IoT and SC&C took place on 29 July 2016 under the Chairmanship of Hyoung Jun Kim and Fabio Bigi. All the meeting documents can be found
here. The
Final Report of the 16th JCA-IoT and SC&C meeting can be found
here. (also TD 499 Rev.1)
Other activities
The Flipbook on Unleashing the potential of the Internet of Things was launched during the SG20 opening plenary on 25 July 2016. This flipbook presents a compendium of the first set of ITU international standards for IoT, providing a resource of great value to standards experts interested in contributing to the work of ITU-T Study Group 20.
During the ITU-T SG20 Opening plenary, it was announced that the
First meeting of the United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC) initiative was held on 21 and 22 July 2016 in Geneva, Switzerland.
The U4SSC is a new global platform launched by ITU and UNECE for smart city stakeholders to shape smart sustainable cities worldwide. U4SSC is supported by 15 other UN agencies/funds and programmes. It advocates for public policies to encourage the use of ICTs to facilitate and ease the transition to smart sustainable cities.
The work of the U4SSC will be conducted under 3 Working Groups:
Forthcoming events:
6th ITU Green Standards Week, from 5 to 9 September 2016, Montevideo, Uruguay.
The World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly is held every four years and defines the next period of study for ITU-T.
WTSA-16 will take place in Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisia, from 25 October to 3 November 2016 preceded by the Global Standards Symposium on 24 October 2016.
Executive Summary from previous meetings: 2015-10 | 2016-01 |